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My sibling's one month celebration turned out more fun than I had expected. Melvin and Ms. Ryan had turned up as they had promised. But Oliver was yet to arrive.

The celebration was held in our home. Mum and I stayed up the entire night decorating the place. We were so overjoyed when guests began trooping in. when I mean guests, I meant both Ms. Dough and guess who else? My classmates. Yeah, I had invited Caramel and her little group. Actually I had invited the whole class. It was a large party. I didn't want to feel trapped anymore in my little world. i guess it was about time i broke out.

After what had happened those past few weeks, I got to realize that there's more to life than looking down at one's self.

"Welcome." I said to Caramel as she and her friends arrived. I smiled at them and they smiled back. I didn't want to hate her. Somehow I should be thankful, because to be sincere she was the one who pushed Melvin and I coming together. if not for the mud incident and her calling me a Fat ass in class, Melvin would never have approached me.

"Thanks." She said warmly.

"I hope you all would enjoy the party." I said. I smiled again. I was about leaving when she held my hand. "I hope you'll forgive me for those times I was mean to you." She said. "I guess I was too accustomed in getting whatever I wanted that I felt I could have Melvin too."

"It's okay Caramel. I'm not angry at you. Besides I feel I owe you whatever I am today. You gave me the courage I lacked to stand up for what I believed in. thank you." I said.

"You're such a nice person Leah." I smiled. That was the very first time she addressed me as Leah. "You know, if being fat comes with a good soul like yours, then maybe I should consider that." she said laughing. Did I hear that right?

I laughed too as we both hugged. It was when we were laughing that Oliver came in. he was really well dressed that for a second I wouldn't have recognized him. Everyone present gasped when they sighted him.

"Wow Oliver, you look chic." The girls said as they went around him admiring his looks.

"Is that Oliver?" caramel pointed. I nodded. "Never knew he was that good looking." She said "Do you think he'll look my way?" caramel can't possibly be having a crush on Oliver.

"Never can tell." I said looking at Oliver and smiling at the attention he received. I guess he deserved that.

I went on to join mum and Ms. Ryan in the kitchen as the busied arranging the food. "Let me help out." Melvin volunteered.

"Oh no Melvin, I'm sure we'll be fine here." I quickly said. I didn't want him getting soiled.

"I'll manage. At least I'll like to keep myself busy since Oliver had stolen all my attention." He said smiling and looking at Oliver's direction. The girls were all at him.

"Yeah. i guess a new chapter for him."

"Where's you father? Won't he be joining?" he asked. "He's not my father. I address him as Paul. And he won't be joining because mum broke up with him."

"I'm so sorry." Melvin apologized.

"You don't have to be. Actually I think it's for the best. Mum found out later that he was cheating on her. I guess that explained the late nights."

"I hope you're mum would be okay?"

"Of course she'll be. Besides she has both me and baby Love. We'll take care of her. I don't think we need Paul in our lives." I said.

"I most commend your mum on her love for letter L. I mean she's Laura, L; you, Leah, L and now your soon to be sibling already L." I laughed.

"What can I say, mothers get what the want." We looked at each other, smiled and back at Oliver who was so engrossed in entertaining the guests with his hilarious jokes.

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