Chapter 2: Dinner before Mystery

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Noemy's P.O.V

"That was amazing!" I say out loud onto the screen. "Did you see how the Doctor defeated those galeks by sucking them into the vortex!"

"Yeah I did!" Madi says right after me. 

Madi then looks down onto her phone to check the time.

"Well looks like it's 7:00 p.m," Madi says. "And Zach just texted me that he'll be there waiting for me at 7:20"

"Okay," I say as I get up from the couch and put my chips away. "Let me just get my sweater and we're all set."

I then go into my closet and can't decide between the white sweater or the black one. I assumed that since it's the middle of September it will be chilly out so I choose the black and more warmer sweater. I quickly tie my hair into its usual long ponytail and take a look at myself in the mirror.

Dark brown eyes

Tanish pale skin

Strangely plump lips.

No need for makeup!

"Okay I'm ready!" I say to Madi as I put my sweater on.

"Great!" Madi says as she grabs her phone. "So let's start walking!"

"Walking? Pssh," I say to her. "Who said anything about walking?"

" did," Madi says to me.

"No that was you," I say to her. "I just said that I'll join you."

I can see that Madi has a worried expression on her face on what I'm about to say next.

"Y-You don't mean," Madi stammers. "We're going to r-run!"

"Of course we are!" I say to her. "That way I can get my exercise and we can get there faster."

"B-But I d-don't want to r-run," Madi stammers quickly.

"Well we're gonna," I say to her. "Now come on! Otherwise we're going to be late!"

"Noemy wait!" Madi says to me.

But it was too late cause then I grabbed her arm and pulled her outside as we started to run towards the restaurant. I jog at first but then I start to pick up the pace. But as I look behind me I see that Madi is very far behind.

"Madi!" I say to her. "Hurry up! The sun is almost setting!"

"I'm trying! But for one I'm not as athletic as you!" Madi says to me. "And two I'm wearing HEELS!"

"That's okay!" I say I her. "I can still run even if I have heels."

"I'd like to see you try!" Madi says.

But then I stop and give her a look on how no matter what type of shoe I wear I would still run faster than her.

"Okay fine!" Madi says. "But can we at least run at some parts and walk in some others."

"Sure Madi," I say to her. "We probably have one mile left to run so I'll take it easy on ya."

"Really!" Madi exclaims. "Thank you!"

"Sike!" I say to her as I keep on running.

"NoNo I swear to God!" Madi says as she tries to keep up with me.

Soon as we both keep on running the sun has finally set and I look ahead to see a bunch of dazzling lights ahead of us. Then as I run even closer I see that it's the restaurant. And right there next to the door is Zach... In a suit! 

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