Chapter 29: Halloween with a trick not a treat

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In case you didn't see her in the last chapter, the picture above is Blue

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In case you didn't see her in the last chapter, the picture above is Blue. (What a cutie!!!) 

Noemy's P.O.V

"Calm down Blue!"

Blue refuses to go into my backpack and stay put. But I need to put her in there in order to make sure no one notices. But she still keeps moving and making noise.

Well at least I'm out of the house. If anyone says what is in my backpack and finds Blue. I'll just tell them it's my pet husky.

Even though it is clearly a wolf pup.

I just need to find Quinn... I can do this.

I just need to go and speak to him and then I'll be on my way home. And once I get home I'll put on my costume, wait for Ashton, and go trick or treating with him and my sister.

I go into the woods and try to sniff him out...he's nearby.

I can feel my heart beat faster and faster and my armpits just getting sweatier... Gross.

Soon I find him sitting down onto the dry grass, laying his back against a tree while looking down at himself.

He soon realizes that I'm there and looks at me surprised.

"N-Noemy," he stutters. "Why'd you come back?"

"Umm...nothing personal that's for sure," I say to him. "I just need to tell you a question and then I'll be on my way."

"Oh...okay then," he says as he gets up from the ground. "What is it?"

"Where'd you get Blue?" I ask him.

"What? Why do you need to know that?" He asks me.

"Just answer the question Quinn." I say to him.

"An old friend gave her to me," Quinn replies.

"Was this old friend a wizard?" I say to him.

"What?" He says as he chuckles. "No!"


"What was that?" He says going all serious again as he sniffs the air.

Quinn then comes closer to me and sniffs my hair...and then goes behind me to open my backpack.

"What the-"


Blue then jumps out of the backpack and tackles Quinn. For a little pup like her she was able to tackle Quinn onto the ground and lick his face silly.

"Blue?" He says to her as he lifts her up.


"I can't believe this...when Coffee said that she'll be alive when she's around you I never thought he meant it literally!" He says. "Well what else would you expect from Coffee?"

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