Chapter 9: The True Meaning of Crush

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Ashton's P.O.V

"Noemy Wait!"

"What's wrong Ashton?" Keelin says to me. 

"What's wrong is that I never agreed to date you!" I say to her. "And Noemy is my friend! How could you have hurt her like that!"

"Hurt her?" She says to me. "But you two aren't dating... Are you?"

"No... But it's just... Never mind," I say to her. 

"Good! Now sit Ashton!" Keelin says to me. 

"But I have to go and help Noemy," I say to her. 

"It's okay Ashton I'll go check up on her," Madi says. "You just sit there with your girlfriend till I get back."

"She's not my-... Fine," I say to her as I sit down. 

I feel Keelin grab onto my arm as she pulls me closer to her. On the outside I smile... But on the inside I want to barf! 

"You two are a cute couple!" Abi says to me. "Don't ever break up!"

"Don't worry," Keelin said. "We're never breaking up... Right Ashton?"

"Right... Except I never,"

"So would you date me Ashton?" Keelin said to me abruptly. 

I was about to say no until I saw the whole group staring right at us. 

Peer pressure is a bitch! 

"Ah... uh... Sure," I say to Keelin as I feel a drop of sweat coming down my forehead. 

"Yay!" Keelin says to me with a big smile. 

"Well it was nice being here again but I uh... Have to go help Quinn with his math homework!" I say to them. 

"Maybe I can come with you!" Keelin says. "I know a bit of math!"

"You can't! Cause umm... It's Geometry," I say to her. "And I don't think you can comprehend that yet."

"True... Well see you after school then?" She says to me. 

"Y-Yeah," I say to her as I can feel myself clench my teeth. "I'll see you after school."

"Okay," Keelin says. "Bye Ashton!"

I get up from the table and smile at them one last forceful smile before I go and walk towards Quinn's table... Which is basically just him and Kambria on an empty table. 

Oh god

What have I gotten myself into!? 

Quinn's P.O.V

"So anything interesting happened to you today?" Kambria asks me. 

"No," I say to her as I keep eating my food. 

"Why do you always keep saying that!?" Kambria says. "Why are you always being so stubborn."

"Because that's who I am," I say to her. "Now be quiet and let me eat my food in peace."

"When are you in peace..." I hear Kambria murmur. 

I'm never in peace... 

I look behind me and see Ashton walking towards our table and sits down beside me. 

"What's up with you," I say to him. 

"I've made the most terrible mistake in my life," he says as he lays his head on the table. "And I'm not even sure if it was my fault or not."

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