Chapter 8: What is this?

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Ashton's P.O.V

Wow! So that's how it feels like to be in a public school for the first time! 

And I got to see Noemy again!... Though how come she was acting a little weird when I was there in front of her friends... And especially that girl with the glasses who asked me if I was dating Kambria... Keelin was it? 

Welp! Don't know what that was for but what I do know is that Kambria and I aren't a thing... Yuck! I hate just thinking about it. Plus I'm not allowed to date till I'm sixteen. Which is like three months from now? And tomorrow is going to be the first day of October! A.k.a Halloween month! I'm so excited!... Hey... I wonder when Noemy's birthday is... Maybe I'll ask her tomorrow. 

I run towards the woods when I suddenly see Quinn walking home. 

"Hey Quinn!" I say to him. "How was first day of school?"

"Swell!... Not really, I didn't get any friends and all the girls where giving me strange looks and whispering to each other when I was around," Quinn says to me. 

"That just means that the girls dig you man," I say to him. "They think you're hot!"

"What!... Really?" Quinn says. 

"Please tell me you aren't that clueless," I tell him. 

"Uh... Whatever you want to hear pal," He says to me. 

I slap my hand against my forehead as I hear this... This is why he's never going to get a girlfriend.

"And who cares about that right now," Quinn says in his usual stubborn self. "I talked with Noemy today to see if she felt anything... Weirder than usual. And she said she felt the same so it looks like none of that wolf juice kicked in."

"Wolf juice?" I ask him. 

"Yeah," Quinn says to me. "A.k.a my wolf DNA in her blood... That is if she has that."

"I guess we won't know till the next full moon," I say to him as I shrug my shoulders. "Which is in... 28 more days."

"Yeah..." Quinn says as he looks down...both literal and metaphorical. 

"Something wrong?" I ask him. 

"Nah, I'm just... Tired," he says to me. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay... Bye?" I tell him. 

Soon Quinn runs out of my sight as I am the one walking home now. 

"Ashton! Wait up!" I hear a familiar voice catching up to me. 

"Kambria! What's up?" I say to her. "You just missed Quinn."

"I am good and really!?" She says to me. "That sucks! I wanted to tell him all about school today! The 8th grade class were so nice to me! I even made some new pals!" 

"Really!... Were those new pals... Guys?" I say to her while raising an eyebrow. 

"Yeah! How'd you know?" She says to me. 

"Well the truth is those guys were just admiring you and being nice to you cause they like you," I say to her. 

"Oh... Then I only have three friends," she says to me. 

"And who are they?" I say to her. 

"They're you and Quinn," Kambria says to me. 

"And the third?" I say to her. 

"Noemy of course!" She exclaims. 

"Okay then," I say to her. "But just remember... Noemy was my friend first."

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