Chapter 33: The Truth

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"Guys! I finished the story!"

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"Guys! I finished the story!"

"Really! Cool let me read it!" Ava said to me.

"Now now Ava," Ashton says to her. "Youngest goes last."

"I'm 12! Not 9!" Ava yelled at him. "I'm even more older than Jiselle and Gavin!"

"Sorry it's just you're... Well umm," Jared starts to say.

"Short," Quinn butts in. "You're short."

Ava then crosses her arms and stomps her foot in anger. I also notice Gavin and Jiselle chatting about something that made them both laugh pretty hard.

I then go and grab my safety glasses and my Nerf Bow and Arrow.

"So are you guys ready to battle or what!?" I say to them all.

"I am," Jared replies. "It's everybody else who isn't."

"We are!" Kambria and Mariah shout at the same time. "We were just waiting!"

"Everybody gather up!" Quinn shouts. "I shall announce team captains! I am one of them! And the other is-"

"Can I be team captain!?" Ava shouts. "Can I! Can I!"

"Okay fine," Quinn says. "You pick first."

"Okay," Ava starts to say. "Mariah."

"Kambria," Quinn picks next.






"And finally Noemy," Quinn says as we all go to our sides. "Announce your team names!"

"Our team name is the vampires!" Ava says. "We agreed to do it since Noemy finally finished the story about us!"

"Okay then...we'll be werewolves!" Quinn announces. "In 3...2...1... Nerf war!!!"

Everybody screams at each other as the plastic bullets go flying off everywhere.

Wait? What about the whole story with the werewolves and vampires?

Oh that was just a story that I wrote...none of it was real.

I can be if you want it to be...I think it's real in my heart.

Suddenly Quinn gets shot in the heart.

"Haha!" Ava says. "Gotcha Quinn!"

"Captain down! Captain down!" I yell. "Avenge him!!! Charge!!!"

Right now me and my friends are in a Nerf War...based a little bit on the story.

I mean...none of that was real as I was saying...

We all then turn around to face you as all of the werewolves eyes flash yellow and all the vampires flash their bright fangs.


True End

"You're special," Quinn says to me.

"How so?" I tell him back as I cross my arms over my chest and raise an eyebrow at him.

"You're the only one who can help us stop this war..." He says to me as he looks into the distance where the moon lays upon the night sky. "And the only one who can take away my lonely heart."


I'll be posting an Author's Note later.

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