Chapter 21: Hot VS Cold

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Ashton's P.O.V

Me and Quinn charge at each other as we begin the fight.

With Quinn's hand aflame with red and my feet iced with blue it was a battle of two opposites against each other.

Quinn throws a fire ball at me and then another and a another but keeps on missing as I dodge him.

"You know you can't hit me Quinn!" I say to him as I keep dodging his fireballs. "I'm so much faster than you! I can keep doing this all day."

I then speed around him trying to suck some of the air out of his lungs. But not too much so he can pass out and die.

Soon I see Quinn a little lightheaded and I can see that I am beating him. Just a few more runs around him and I win this fight.

"...or can you?" Quinn responds to my comment from a little earlier.

He then abruptly turns around and strikes my left foot with a sudden fireball. I fall onto the floor in pain as I clutch my painful and burning foot... Which is still on fire.

"Shit!" I say to myself as I blow onto it...with my freeze breath?

Freeze breath?... I never had that before!...This is going to be a lot more fun.

Quinn stands up from the ground and looks at me cooling off my foot as I put the fire out. And he notices my new freeze breath too.

"Unlocked a new power huh?" Quinn says to me with a smirk on his face. "That's still not going to stop me."

Quinn then claps his hands together as he surrounds me in a ring of fire.

I start to cough as I inhale some of the smoke into my lungs and I feel sweat starting to drip off my forehead too. But then I calm down a bit and look all around me... and concentrate.

Freeze breath don't fail me now!

I take in a deep breath and then let it all out releasing cold bursts of ice and snow from my mouth.

"My birth name Snow Heart just went up a whole other level!" I say to Quinn as freeze breath him in place.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk,"  Quinn says to me as he shakes his head. "Ashton you just froze me in place... Big mistake."

Quinn then lights himself on fire and soon all the ice that was around him immediately melted...I forgot he could do that...This is what happens when he doesn't use his power so often!

The only cool thing about all this though is that he looks like that superhero from fantastic four! The one that lights himself on fire and can fly...the only difference though is that Quinn can't fly.

Quinn then looks at me with fiery eyes...literally, and throws even bigger fireballs at me! Not only were they bigger but he was throwing like ten per second too!

I immediately dodge every one of them trying so hard not to get hit... I think it's time to bring out the big guns.

I then circle around him again but this time I'm creating one of my snow tornadoes around him.

"What the-" Quinn says as in a matter of seconds he is being lifted off the ground and into the tornado of pure air and snow.

Soon all of the fire around him has gotten put out and I decide to put an end to the snow tornado.

And because I did, Quinn was like ten feet into the air and he suddenly plummets onto the ground once the tornado weakens.

I can see that there is blood all over his face and arms probably because of the several cuts from the branches the tornado collected.

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