CHAPTER 37- Failed Revenge

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"It's not about how we live in this world, it is about how we will be raised in front of Almighty Allah. Whatever we die upon is what we shall be raised upon, so let your last deed be the best deed!"


"Ayesha... don't"

"Ayesha do it!"

"No Ayesha don't"

"Ugh don't listen to him Ay do it"

"You'll regret this Ayesha Aamir Karim"

"Pretend you didn't just hear that Ay"

"I'm warning you Ay, don't do it"

"Go for it lil sis, I'm with you"

"Ayesha-" Ayman started again but was cut off by Yas smacking him at the back of his head saying, "party pooper"

"Will you guys shut up?" I hissed at both my brothers standing right behind me. So much for doing it secretly Ayesha!


"Did you not get the part where I just said shut up Ayman?" I cut my twin off from speaking for the second time by trying my best to keep my voice as low as possible.

"But he's my best friend" he whined, slightly pouting at the end.

"And you're my twin, we're supposed to be partners in crime remember?" I shook his shoulders and motioned him to keep quiet.

"Okay listen, if you get caught... I didn't know anything about it okay?" I nodded in response and got on to my mission.


Oh Zayn, you are so gone. You shouldn't have kicked me out of the amazing superman room the other day, now you pay for it.

With that thought in mind, I silently opened the bedroom door with the pink packet in my hand. After completing my task very carefully and neatly, I sneaked out of the room with Yas following right behind me.

When we were safely out of the devils room, we both gave each other a high five and turned around to see Ay glaring at both of us.

"I won't even be surprised if he ends up our friendship because of you guys, you've just made the beast angry beyond his limits you know." Ay stated shaking his head at both of us and went off to sleep.


"To say that I'm surprised would be an understatement" Omar said as soon as he spotted me sitting on one of the bean bags in the living room.

"Why on earth are you even up so early? I'm sure you're up to something isn't it?" he accused me and started looking around the living room, his eyes searching for Allah knows what.

I swear my family is so dramatic, I didn't even do anything...

"First off, I am very offended to see that you don't trust me and second, why do you have to be so dramatic? I just woke up a little bit early from my normal timing..." I stated to which he laughed, like full on laughed.

"A little bit early? A LITTLE bit early?" he questioned yet again, talk about being dramatic. "It's 7am, you woke up a whole 6 hours early than your NORMAL time, and then you say you're not up to anything and that I should TRUST you. Well, I hate to break it to you sis, but the day you started walking, I stopped TRUSTING you" he said, doing weird hand gestures.

I chuckled at his last sentence and spoke, "I don't know if I should feel offended by that or proud that my big brother is actually scared of me" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

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