Beautiful Girl With Them Big Brown Eyes (au)

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(in which Demi is the popular girl and you're in the average nerd in high school)

You sit in class, watching as she pops that strawberry bubble gum she likes. You know that you're all taking a test and you should get started, but you can't help but stare at her.

That dark brown hair, those beautiful brown eyes, that amazing figure. You notice her little things too. The way she bites the top of her pen when she's thinking, or the way she always gets fruit cups at lunch. And you're not a stalker or anything. You just like her. A lot. But she's way out of your league.

Demi Lovato is the most popular and prettiest girl in school. Every girl either is jealous or wants to be friends with her and every guy would kill to be her boyfriend. Too bad she's a lesbian. But that only makes the guys want her more. She came out the first day she came here which was freshmen year and it was a shock, but everyone still treated her like a queen in the hallways. She's had a million girls and guys ask her out over past two years she's been here, but she's always kindly declined them. That's another thing you like Demi for. She's so sweet. While her three friends are bitches - she used to have more friends, but they left her, saying that being a lesbian was disgusting -, she's a sweetheart. It only makes you want her more.

You're a lesbian too, but you never told anyone. Not even your parents. Plus, you're pretty average. You don't have many friends, you get the average As, Bs, and Cs in all of your classes, and you try to fit in. But fitting in is hard. You always try to catch Demi's attention by wearing makeup - not too much. Just some lip gloss and mascara - and wearing stylish clothes - right now, you're wearing a white tank top with LA in black, capital letters on the front, denim skinny jeans, and black heeled sandals, your toes painted along with my fingernails -, but you haven't caught her eye yet. Maybe you never will.

You sigh heavily and start on your test, bubbling in the first three questions when you get the feel that someone is watching you. You look up and nearly choke when you see Demi turned around and looking at you, chewing her gum frantically. She blows a bubble and it quickly pops when it gets too big. She flashes you smile as she chews her gum and you nervously smile back at her. Holy shit! Is this really happening?!

As the bell rings at the end of class, you finish your test, turn it in, and sharpen your pencil for the next class before going back to your desk. As you pick up your book bag and denim jacket, you spot a note on your desk written on an index card. You pick it up and nearly gasp as you read it.

Meet me in the courtyard where the trees are at lunch.

- Demi

You nearly scream with joy as you walk out of the classroom and down the hallway, the note in your pocket. This is really happening! Demi wants you to meet her in the courtyard at lunch! 'But why? What would she want with me?' you think. 'Does she like me? No, that's stupid. Why would she like someone as average as me?'

As the bell rings an hour later, ending your next class and starting lunch, you nearly bolt out of the classroom and down the hallway, impatiently walking through the sea of people to the cafeteria. You don't bring your lunch. You get lunch from the cafeteria, but you have to pay for it. It doesn't cost much which is good. But you're not hungry. Your excitement and curiosity is too powerful. You walk towards the glass doors leading outside and push them open, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face. It's a nice day outside, warm, but with a cool breeze blowing. You smell the flowers, sweet and pure. You look around and spot the trees, pink flowers growing full and beautiful, some falling and blowing in the wind delicately. And with those trees, you spot Demi.

As you get closer, you find that she's sitting on a plastic red and white mat that's supposed to pass as a picnic blanket. In front of her on a large piece of paper towel is a sandwich - it's made with wheat bread which means there's ham, lettuce, and tomato on it with mayo -, a fruit cup, a pudding cup, and a bottle of iced tea. Across from her is the same meal, but with a bottle of water. You're confused. What is this? Is this meant for you?

When she hears you coming, she looks up and smiles, getting up and dusting her hands off, walking towards you. "I'm glad you decided to come, Y/N," she says, smiling.

"Demi," you say, breathless from this sight, her closeness, and the smell of her perfume, "what...what is this? Why did you ask me to meet you here?"

She stares down at her high-heeled shoes for a moment and she looks back up, she's biting her bottom lip. Those lips. So pink and shimmering. So kissable. "I called you out here because I wanted to tell you something," she says, and then sighs. "I've been holding this in ever since freshmen year and I know I can't any longer. I have to say it now before someone takes you for themselves."

She looks to the side for a moment before looking you in the eyes with those big, beautiful, brown eyes. The next thing she says makes you believe that you're dreaming:

"I like you, Y/N."

Your eyes nearly bulge out of your skull as they widen. "Y-You do?"

She nods, biting her lip. "I've liked you ever since freshmen year."

You're about to faint from happiness. "Then why didn't you say anything?" you ask, smiling.

"I was shy," she says, smiling shyly. When she sees my surprised face, she grins. "I know. Surprising, right? But I was. But I just wanted to tell you."

You grin, feeling heat in your cheeks. "I like you too, Demi. A lot."

She grins at this and surprises you by taking your hands in hers. They're so warm and soft. You;re taken off guard when she suddenly smashes her lips to yours, but quickly snap out of it and you flutter your eyes closed. She pulls you closer by your hips and you wrap your arms around her neck, your lips moving in sync. Her lips are so soft and warmth and sweet. They're heavenly. This moment is heavenly.

She pulls away and you want to whine in protest, but when she smiles at you, you can't help but smile back. "You want to have lunch now?" she asks, nodding at the picnic she set up. "I always see you get water, so I bought you a water bottle."

"You bought all of this?" you ask, motioning towards the picnic she set up.

She nods, biting her lip. "It wasn't that much in money which was good."

You kiss her cheek, thank her, causing her to cutely blush, and you both walk over to the picnic she set up. The rest of your lunch period is filled with talking, laughter, games - one of them being you trying to throw grapes into each other's mouths -, and some heavenly kissing. And the end of the period, you clean up the stuff and before you go back into the school building, Demi gives you her number and offers to drive you home.

You've never been so happy in your entire life than this day. You've finally got the girl of your dreams!

And you swear, you are not giving this up for shit.

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