I Hear Angels Sing Your Voice

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(in which you are a contestant on The X Factor)

You sip the water from one of the many water bottles they have back here as you sit backstage, trying desperately to calm yourself down. You have been planning this for a while now. In a few minutes, you're about to be on the currently popular show, "The X Factor". You have been dreaming of being on this show ever since it came on. You've been dreaming of being on a lot of shows like this, like "American Idol" and "The Voice", but you've never gotten the chance to sign up. But now you do. Once you found out there were auditions for the show about two months ago, you've been singing and practicing ever since you signed up. And now the time has come. But you've never been good at singing on stage in front of crowds. And to make it worse, you'll be on nation TV too!

And to make it even more worse, you'll be singing in front of celebrity judges! One of them Demi Lovato!

Demi Lovato is a huge inspiration to you and is one of the reasons why you wanted to be a singer. Her songs help you get through your life now that you're fresh out of college. They helped you get through high school too. You also have a huge crush on her. So huge it's ridiculous. You never told anyone you're a lesbian except for your mom who is okay with it. She sits with you now, holding your hand in her own two.

"You okay?" she asks softly.

You nod, sighing. "Yeah. Just...nervous."

"You're going to do great," she says. "I've heard you sing many times before and I know that they're going to love your voice as much as I do."

You smile at the comment and thank her before she kisses my cheek, but it doesn't ease the pounding of your heart or the flip-flopping in your stomach at all. What if they don't like your singing? The worst thing that can happen to you is get a no from Demi, your idol, your savior, your role model, your top female crush ever. You don't mind if you get a yes from Simon since he's a dick, but from Demi...that would break your heart.

"Y/N." You turn towards the person saying your name to see one of the stage workers look at you, holding the curtain back enough for you to see the host. "You're next."

You stand up slowly and gulp in air, your heart pounding like crazy. Mom spins you around to face her and kisses your forehead. "Just breathe," she says. "You're going to do fine. I know you practiced all of the words, so I know you won't mess up. I'll be right behind you." You nod and let her lead you over to the curtain. She kisses your cheek twice before she sends you out onto the stage to my doom.

When you walk out, all you can hear is the sound of your breathing. Your feet feel like led as you walk towards the microphone stand. The lights are too bright. You're going to go blind. You think you're about to puke. You can feel the queasiness setting in. And as you stand at the microphone and look out into the crowd, spotting the cameras, the many people, the judges, and Demi Lovato's gorgeous face, you know you're going to be sick. You swallow and put on a smile to cover it up.

"So what's your name, honey?" Kelly Rowland asks. She's so pretty and so nice. She's your second favorite judge on here. The first is Demi, of course.

You swallow hard and answer into the mic, "Y/N." You look at Demi, excepting her to say something, but she doesn't. She just stares at me, her lips parted slightly. God, she's so fucking gorgeous! Her dyed blonde hair is in a up-do on top of her head, curly and cute yet sexy with a white scarf with red polka dots keeping it in place. She wears baby blue denim jacket with silver spikes on the shoulders and white studded earrings in her ears. Her lips are a dark peach color from the lipstick she's wearing, her cheeks pink with blush, her eyelids a light pink and her eyelashes thick and dark like a doll's. (A/N: Okay. So I know the outfit and hair here doesn't match the one in the gif on the side, but I just did this one, because I loved her outfit and her hair in this particular episode and I loved the quote in that particular episode in the gif. Just so y'all know.)

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