We Fit Together Like Two Pieces Of A Broken Heart (au)

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(in which you and Demi spend the night in her tree house and connect)

(A/N: Possibly one of my favorite imagines I've written so far. Just to make it clear, this is an au (alternate universe) imagine which means Demi isn't a celebrity in this one. She still has the same problems she does...or did have (cutting, drugs, alcohol, etc.), but she's just an eighteen year old girl in high school who's popular in school and always has a smile on her face, but feels cold inside. She feels like nobody loves her at all including her family. But then there's you. So..enjoy! Btw, sorry if this one is hella long. I had a huge idea for this particular imagine to go with the song. Warning: Lovatics may cry.)

You run through the forest, your legs pumping and a grin on your face. Your heart is hammering in your chest, your skin burning cold but warm at the same time, your breaths coming out in puffs. "Demi!" you shout at the girl running ahead of you. "Wait up!" For a girl is combat boots, she can run pretty fast.

Demi Lovato. This name sends your heart into a frenzy whenever you hear it. Demi has been your best friend since sixth grade. She has always been there for you and she's still here even though she could easily just toss you aside and get some friends that are just as pretty and cooler and popular as her. he has girls jealous of her, wanting to be her friend, and wanting to date her just as much as the guys. But it wasn't always this way. Back in fifth grade, Demi was an outcast like you. A nerd. She was always picked on over her weight and her looks. She even had an eating disorder! But you were always there for her like she was for you. You were always the average girl in school, and even now you still are even though you're friends with one of the prettiest, most popular girls in school. The girls and boys there pretty much ignore you though and go for Demi, but who wouldn't?

But there's much more to Demi than just meets the eye. You know her past better than you know yours. Other than her being bullied in school and her eating disorder, you know about her cutting. She hasn't done it in over a month which is better than good. And to top it all off, her parents always fought. Whenever you came over to Demi's house and they started fighting, you and Demi would hide under her bed and stuff it with pillows to block out the noise and eat s'mores that she'd make.

To put it lightly, Demi's had a rough life.

But there were happy moments to. Whenever you came over, you two would play around in the woods Demi had in the back of her house and go to her clubhouse which her and her uncle built together which is also the place you and her would escape to after school or when her parents fought other than under her bed. Which is where you two are headed now. Demi's parents aren't fighting. They're in fact having dinner with the rest of Demi's family, but Demi didn't want to stay for that so she invited you over to hang out which made you feel slightly good inside.

It's the middle of December, a week before Christmas, cold and brittle, the woods quiet except for the sounds of laughter and the thudding of feet and the crunch of frost-covered leaves. The bare trees stretch towards the starry, ink-black sky like bony fingers with their branches, the ground cold and layered in frost with some large clumps of snow here and there. You're about to collapse, your black vans feeling like they're about to tear apart, your black hoodie not giving you as much warmth as you thought it would, but you were in a hurry to get over here, so you just threw that, a white T-shirt, denim skinny jeans, black vans, and a golden chain necklace with a tiny arrow hanging from it on and on your way after asking your mom if it was okay.

Just as you're about to fall out from the exhaustion and the cold, you see it. You slow down and walk slowly up to Demi's side as you both look up at your tree house. Your sanctuary. Your paradise. Demi turns to you and smiles her beautiful smile. You can't help but take in her beauty. Her full face, her tan skin, her big brown eyes, the diamond stud in her right nostril, her long brown hair that's cut and shaven on the right side to give her a cute, punk look, her cute butt-chin as you call it to tease her, her kissable, red lips, etc. Not to mention that she can sing, but she only does it when she's alone or if she's only with you. You also can't help but love her style. She's wearing black combat boots, black skinny jeans, and a black KISS T-shirt under her leather jacket. She's a complete goddess. She smiles at you and nods up at the rather huge tree house with two latters hanging from it, one that swings and one that's just made of wood on the other side. "C'mon," she says. "Let's climb up before we freeze to death."

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