Make Your Blood Run Faster (au)

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(in which you and Demi meet on the beach)

You sit on my beach towel, the hot sand beneath it as you stare up at the bright sun and blue sky, your sunglasses on. You feel like a cookie baking here in the hot sun, but anything to get a golden tan before college starts up which is only in 2 months.

You live in sunny Los Angeles with your family who you left to go the beach by yourself. You wanted to spend some time alone which meant you didn't invite your friends either. You wanted it to be just you. You haven't spent time with yourself in a while. Plus, you wanted to be able to eye the boys and girls walking around and not be bothered by your mom to stop it and go play with your sibling in the water. You are bisexual which you told your family and friends who are okay with it, but so far, you've only dated boys. You like girls, but you haven't dated them a lot, but you're hoping to at least meet a nice girl this summer.

You sit up, suddenly thirsty, and begin to reach for the Coke can sitting in the sand next to you when something suddenly flies at you and hits you square in the jaw. You fall back, your Coke falling and spilling its contents into the sand, and you put your hand to your throbbing jaw. You hear laughter and a "Oh, shit" and you look up to see a group of girls and boys not much older than you which is eighteen. They're all pretty and tall and everything you want to be.

"Yo, girly!" one boy with shaggy brown hair and a nice body shouts. "Nice tit!"

You look down to see your red bikini slightly low to see a nip slip and you quickly cover it up, blushing furiously. Great. Only a half an hour at the beach your day is already going bad. You're about to yell something back at the perverted guy when a raspy yet light, beautiful voice yells out, "Leave her alone!"

A gorgeous girl that you didn't notice in the group but you don't know why considering how beautiful she is pushes the guy that yelled out to you and jogs over to you. She's shaped like an hourglass with glowing tan skin and long, curly blonde hair bounces with she jogs and blows in the warm wind. She's wearing white short shorts that jug her hips perfectly and a crop top with the American Flag print on it, a denim jacket wrapped around her waist. She has red vans on with no socks and a golden anklet around her right ankle. She bends down and your breath catches in your throat at her beauty, her big brown eyes, her doll-like eyelashes, her pink lips to match her flushed cheeks, the light dusting of freckles on the bridge of her nose and cheeks.

"Are you okay?" she asks, her voice and face laced with concern.

"I..." You're at a lost for words, your hand still on her jaw.

"Aye, Dems!" the perverted guy from the group shouts. "Throw us the ball!"

The girl, "Dems", rolls her eyes, takes the ball, and chucks it, almost hitting the guy in the face, causing surprised looks and snickers. "You still playing?" he asks with a glare.

"No," she says. "I'm gonna make sure this girl is okay unlike the rest of you."

The guy shrugs. "Suit yourself." Then him and the rest of the group run back towards the volley ball net you notice, leaving you and the gorgeous girl alone. Well, not totally alone, but you know.

You look up at the girl who's looking at you concerned. "You are okay? Does your jaw hurt?"

"I...I'm fine," you say with two blinks of your eyes. "My jaw does hurt a lot though."

"Here let me see." She gently takes your hand away from your jaw which sends your heart into a frenzy and examines it. "Well, it doesn't look fractured or anything," she says. "You need some ice?"

"Yeah," you say. You didn't bring a cooler with you, but you brought your money. "I have money."

"Don't be silly," the girl laughs. "I hit you with the ball, so I should treat you."

"You hit me?" you ask, your eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," she says, looking embarrassed and guilty. "I'm really sorry about that. I was jumping up to hit the ball and I must've hit it too hard and it smacked into you."

"It's fine," you say, waving it off. "At least you apologized. And I'm not dead or anything. I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name."

"Demi," she says, sticking out her hand.

"Y/N," you say. Once you both shake hands, she helps you stand up and you both start walking down the beach. You have your phone and your wallet with you in the back pocket of your denim shorts, so no one is really going to steal anything while your gone.

"I'm really sorry about my friends too," Demi says. "Especially Jackson. He's the one who called you out on your nip slip which was totally unnecessary. He's an asshole."

"Then why do you hang out with them?" you asks, and then quickly add, "If I may ask."

Demi seems to think about this before she shrugs. "Not sure. I mean, a lot of them are nice and fun to be around, but...I don't know. It's something I haven't thought about lately. But anyway, I couldn't help but notice you're alone. You're not here with your family? Friends? Boyfriend, at least?"

You laugh slightly, brushing your hair away from your neck, and explain, "I wanted some time for myself, so I came here alone. I haven't had time for myself in a while. And I do not have a boyfriend. I'm currently single at the moment."

"Me too," she says. "My friends try to hit on me at times. It gets annoying."

"Your friends? As in the girls too?" you ask hesitantly.

"Including them," she answers with a smirk.

"Are you...bisexual?" you asks slowly, your eyes widening an inch.

"You sound surprised," she says, smirking at you.

"It's just...I wouldn't have guessed," you say. "I'm mean, I should've with how gorgeous you are." You blush, mentally punching yourself. "I....sorry."

Demi laughs at this. "It's fine. And thanks. You're pretty gorgeous yourself." Before you can reply, you two arrive at the food stand and Demi orders a cup full of ice before grabbing a bunch of napkins and walking you back over to your spot. When you sit down and she sits down next to you, you raise an eyebrow at her. "Aren't you going to go back to your friends?"

"Nah," she says. "I'm getting tired of them. Plus, it's nice over here. Being with you." She look at you with a bashful sort of smile and you feel your heart beat ten times faster.

You two talk and laugh while you hold the napkin full of ice against your jaw. Most of the time, Demi does it for you when your arm gets tired which you thank her for, grateful that you met someone as sweet as her. She even bought you lunch when you two walked down to the small food bar down the beach. You wish you had the guts to ask her out or at least for her number.

About 5:36 in the afternoon, you and Demi are still at the beach, walking along the water, kicking playfully at each other's ankles and legs. Demi's friends left over 3 hours ago, but she didn't go with them. The beach is still slightly filled, but the boardwalk is really the most occupied right now. You've learned a lot about Demi over the day. She's nineteen years old, only a year older than you, she lives right here in Los Angeles and goes to college at UCLA which sadly isn't where you attend, used to live in Dalla, Texas, but moved since her parents did not appreciate her being bisexual, works at a smoothie place for money, does cover videos on YouTube along with singing her own written songs, and other random stuff.

As you two are walking, Demi suddenly stops and you stop too, looking at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Demi says. "It's just....Listen, Y/N. I know that we've only met each other just today, but...I've come to know a lot about you, but I want to know more. So...I was thinking, if you're not busy, I'm having a bonfire tomorrow night for the 4th of July, and I was wondering if you would come. There's gonna be a lot of food and some beer and my friend is gonna set off fireworks. I'd like to see you there. Maybe we could talk a lot more then."

You can't stop the grin from making it's way onto your face. "Sure. I'd love that. Here. Let me give you my number." You put your number into Demi's phone and add a heart emoji after your name. After that, you both start walking again in a comfortable silence. When Demi suddenly intertwines her fingers with yours and kisses your bruised jaw softly, you smile so big that your cheeks hurt.

You are definetly going to that bonfire tomorrow.

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