Chapter 5

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Stonepool pulled himself out of the lake, panting as he shook his wet fur. It had taken longer to swim across than he had thought, and the sun was beginning to peek over moor land.
"Okay, now all I have to do is find Sky Clan's camp and talk to Zanefrost; piece of cake," Stonepool felt his mouth go dry. It felt like a pit had formed in his stomach at the very mention of his favorite treat. He shook himself, he couldn't think about that now.
"Stonepool, what are you doing here?" Stonepool jumped, looking around he saw Alderheart.
"I came to talk to Zanefrost." Stonepool said quickly. "I'm alone, no one else knows I'm here," he added. Alderheart sighed.
"Come with me." The dark ginger tom said. Stonepool followed the medicine cat through the forest until they reached a large cluster of under growth. "Watch where you put your paws. It's a bit steep at the top," Alderheart warned before vanishing through a clump of ferns. Stonepool followed him, pushing his way threw the soft leaves. The two toms came into a clearing that dipped several tail lengths down the slope. Before Stonepool could take in the sights of the camp he was interrupted by a series of excited squeaks.
"Wow, he's so big!" Squealed a small black and white tom kit.
"Look at his eyes! They're purple!" Squeaked his sister; a tiny tortishell.
"He's got a green scar over his eye! Just like Zanefrost said!" Mewed a brown and white tom kit, his green eyes sparkling.
"Birchkit, Falconkit, Ninjakit, what are you doing? You know better than to interrupt Alderheart when he's working." Bellaleaf scolded, drawing the three kits in with her tail.
"I'd don't mind," Alderheart said, before padding to a bramble den.
"Are these little fur balls Zanefrost's kits?" Stonepool asked, astonished at how hyper the kits were. Bellaleaf nodded.
"Unfortunately he can't spend much time with them. He's been getting sick due to lack of sleep he's been getting," She voice was thick with worry, "and now Clearpool's getting sick too,"
"That's awful." Stonepool mewed, touching his nose to Bellaleaf's ear. "I'm here to talk to Zanefrost. Do you think he's well enough?"
"He's tough," Bellaleaf gave a half hearted purred, "he gave the kits a badger ride just yesterday,"
"Thank you," Stonepool mewed, padding off to the bramble den.
"I want to go too!" Ninjakit mewed loudly.
"Yeah, Zanefrost told us stories about Stonepool! He's so strong," Falconkit cheered, and Stonepool purred loudly.
"I see you've met my kits..." Zanefrost's weak voice came from the back of Alderheart's den. Stonepool gasped, the silver tom that lay in the nest was nothing but a shadow of the cat he knew. Zanefrost's fur was ungroomed, his bones jutting out from his body.
"You look awful..." Stonepool didn't know what else he could say.
"I feel awful," Zanefrost said, before he was cut off a wide yawn. "What are you doing here? I doubt the nature of my ailment has reached the ears of River Clan."
"Lightningheart told me. I met him on a patrol." Stonepool explained.
"I'm not the only one. Clearpool has also been effected by this darkness. Alderheart can't cure it either, for it is not a true sickness." Zanefrost's voice shook weakly, and his eyes were glazed with weariness.
"So it is dreams? In my dreams I see Sensei Yang. Who do you see?" Stonepool asked, placing a paw on Zanefrost's back; his fur was deathly cold.
"The Over Lord..." Zanefrost muttered spitefully. "He comes to me in my sleep, and causes me pain whilst awake."
"Is there anything I can do?" Stonepool asked, Zanefrost shook his head.
"Not unless you can weaken him. He wants me dead because I am the one who defeated him last time." He mewed, his breathing becoming ragged as a ripple of pain passed through his body.
"I'll do what I can. Maybe Sensei Yang knows something, and if me refuses to talk I'll make him," Stonepool growled unsheathing his claws and digging them into the ground. He hated seeing his friend-no his brother in this state.
"Be carful... do not get yourself killed on my account," Zanefrost rasped.
"You've done the same for me, mouse brain. Plus you're my brother, I'd do anything for you; and you've got kits now I can't leave them fatherless." Stonepool soothed, smoothing Zanefrost's fur with his tail.
"Stonepool, if I die... promise me you will look after them. Bellaleaf and the kits" Zanefrost's feeble voice shook.
"Don't talk like that! You're not going to die!" Stonepool insisted.
"Then you should have nothing to fear..." Zanefrost trailed off and his eyes slid shut.
"Alderheart!" Stonepool yowled.
"What's going on?"Alderheart padded back into the den. He made his way over to Zanefrost and placed a paw on the other tom's neck. "Don't worry, he's just sleeping," Alderheart mewed. "I suggest you return to River Clan.
"As if. I'm not leaving my friend!" Stonepool growled.
"There's nothing you can do for him." Alderheart said calmly. "The best you can do is to let him sleep."
"Fine but if something else happens I want to know about it." Stonepool growled, before padding out of the den.
"How is he?" Bellaleaf asked, her eyes glimmering with worry.
"He's sleeping now," Stonepool mewed. "And I think I know how I can help him, but I must do it alone."
"I'll help you!" Ninjakit offered in a high pitched squeak.
"You can't, little one. I'm sure your father has told about how he defeated the Over Lord." Stonepool mewed, bending down so he was eye level with the kit.
"Yeah, he said he kicked that creature's sorry tail with his own claws!" Ninjakit mewed, before Falconkit shoved him to the ground.
"No he didn't! Zanefrost used his ice powers to kill the Over Lord!" She corrected tartly.
"I thought his heart reached critical mass and he blew up," Birchkit mewed, and Falconkit stuck her tongue out at her brother. Stonepool let out a Morrow of laughter.
"I'd better get going before Mistystar notices I'm gone." He mewed, giving each kit a playful lick before departing.

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