Chapter 11

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Waterwing felt sick, her legs stiff and acing. Maybe she should talk to Kestrelflight. Her discomfort must have shown on her face because Lightningheart shook her with one paw.
"Are you feeling alright!" He asked, Waterwing shook her head.
"I feel like I've been hit by something," she complained, as something seemed to kick the inside of her belly.
"Go see Kestrelflight." Lightningheart pressed, his blue eyes glinting with worry. "I'll see you later, Crowfeather wants me on the sunrise patrol." He pulled himself to his paws, and helped Waterwing to hers. They parted ways at the entrance of the warriors den, Waterwing making her way to Kestrelflight's den.
"Ah, Waterwing What brings you here?" The molten grey tom asked, looking up from a pile of horsetail he had be sorting.
"My belly hurts my legs are stiff..." She was cut of as she stumbled the last few steps into the den. "And my cowardination is out of wack." Waterwing added.
"Open your mouth," Kestrelflight mewed, Waterwing obeyed and sat still as he sniffed her breath. "Well I should have know it wasn't white cough... it's too early in the season for that." Kestrelflight thought aloud, then something seemed to dawn on him. "Waterwing, could you lay on your back for me?" He asked.
"What's this for?" She asked, laying down and rolling over. This made Waterwing feel like a dog performing tricks for treats. Kestrelflight placed his paw on Waterwing's belly dragging it across feeling around. The medicine cat's eyes widened, joy shining in their green depths.
"What is it?" Waterwing asked voice shaking.
"You're expecting kits!" Kestrelflight announced. It took a moment for this to sink in, when it did Waterwing's heart began to pound.
"Are you sure?!" She squeaked, Kestrelflight gave her a perplexed look.
"Of course I'm sure. If you'd like a second opinion it's a long walk to either one of the other clans." He meowed, returning to the pile of horsetail. "You should eat something, when Lightningheart Returns you can give him the good news," Waterwing nodded, and walked out of the den silently. She picked a small finch from the fresh kill pile and settled down in the shade of a fern. Perhaps she could ask Bellaleaf how she handles her kits at the next gathering. How would Firestorm react? He already wasn't fond of the idea of her and Lightningheart being mates. What would he say when he found she was expecting Lightningheart's kits.
"What did Kestrelflight say?" Waterwing looked up startled. Lightningheart was dragging a large rabbit across the camp; it was almost a big as he was.
"Put that thing down and I'll tell you." Waterwing purred, watching as Lightningheart dropped the rabbit on the top of the fresh kill pile.
"Okay What is it? You're not sick are you?" Lightningheart's eyes were swimming with worry. Waterwing took in a deep breath, and locked eyes with Lightningheart.
"I'm expecting kits! You're going to be a father!" She mewed, her heart pounded. Lightningheart's mouth fell open, his eyes stretching wide as moons; their stormy blue depths full of confusion.
"Me... a father?" He choked on his words, staring at her. "Is this a joke?" He placed a paw on Waterwing's forehead. "This isn't the time for that you could have white cough." He seriously, "good one though," Lightningheart chuckled.
"This isn't a joke!" Waterwing said exasperated, "I'm expecting your kits!" She snapped. Lightningheart went ridged.
"Your brother's going to kill me!" He wailed at last. He began to hyperventilate. "I'm not ready for this! And its not like there's anyone I can ask! Zanefrost is in no state to talk to me, so he'll be no help even if I could get to him!" He spoke very fast and loud, drawing the attention of their clan mates.
"Calm down." Waterwing cooed, she placed her tail tip on Lightningheart's shoulder. "You'll be a great father." She assured him, giving his cheek a brief lick. Lightningheart took in a few deep breaths to calm himself.
"How can you be so sure?" He asked, and Waterwing purred.
"We can overcome anything together. Or have you forgotten your third wish?" She teased him, and Lightningheart smirked.
"How could I. The day went from worst nightmare to happiest day of my life. Until today of course," He mewed, placing a paw on Waterwing's belly. A loud purr rumbled in his throat, joy sparked like lightning in his eyes.
"I can't wait to let the others!" Waterwing mewed, pressing her muzzle into Lightningheart's fur. Breathing in his sent she let out a long sigh.
"I wish I could tell my parents..." Lightningheart meowed sadly.
"Me too..." Waterwing agreed.

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