Chapter 7

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Goldblaze place in front of the elder's den. Lightwhisker slowly rose from his nest, shaking bits of moss from his long fur.
"How long have you been waiting for me?" The old tom asked.
"Not long. I was hoping to talk to you before I take Breezestripe out hunting," Goldblaze mewed, he licked a stray piece of moss from Lightwhisker's ear.
"Go have your fun." Lightwhisker mewed back, before Goldblaze walked away.
"Well, when do we leave?" Breezestripe asked. He was waiting by the thorn tunnel, his tail tip twitching.
"Right now. There's a lot to see." Goldblaze meowed.
"We're to first?" The black tom asked, after they pushed their way threw the thorns.
"The Sky Clan border," Goldblaze said, shaking his pelt to loosen the thorns that were stuck in it.
"Isn't that were your metal friend lives?" Breezestripe asked, his tail held high.
"Who told you that?" Goldblaze asked.
"Berrynose did," Breezestripe replied.
"He is fond of gossip." Goldblaze mewed, Breezestripe rolled his eyes.
"I could see that." He meowed gruffly, scraping his claws against the dirt.
"Calm down. I was just teasing," Goldblaze said, placing his tail tip on the other tom's shoulder.
"I'm not mad at you." Breezepelt growled, scraping his claws across the soft bark of a birch tree. "I'm just annoyed! Ever since I came here I haven't been able to use my powers."
"If it makes your feel any better, I don't have my powers either," Goldblaze said, Breezestripe gave an amused purr.
"Will they ever come back?" He asked, licking one paw and drawing it over his ears.
"The others all got their powers back." Goldblaze replied, "why not us?"
"Your logic is flawless," Breezestripe murmured rolling his green eyes and flicking his tail tip over Goldblaze's ears.
"Help!" The high pitched howl made both toms jump. The sent of fox stung Goldblaze's nose, and Breezestripe clapped a paw over his muzzle.
"What's that smell?" He growled, his voice slightly muffled by his paw.
"It's a fox maybe more." Goldblaze said quickly, "one of our clan mates could be in trouble!" He cried, bracing himself to run through the under growth.
"Lead the way!" Breezestripe hissed, unsheathing his claws for the fight. Bracken whipping across his face as Goldblaze pelted threw the forest with Breezestripe at his heals. Bursting through the bracken Goldblaze set his eyes on two strange shecats trying to fight off to foxes. A grey and silver shecat was hissing and spitting putting herself between the foxes and the other cat. The second cat was white with silver markings, her flanks were expanded; she looked days away from kitting.
"Let's even the odds," Goldblaze growled, Breezestripe nodded and both toms threw themselves at the foxes. Goldblaze takes his claws across the nearest fox's muzzle, It yelped rearing onto its hind legs. Goldblaze leapt at the fox's exposed belly, sinking his claws and fangs into the soft flesh. Before the fox could react a flash of green light blotted out everything. The fox's Yelp was cut short before it hit the forest floor, dead. Wind whistled in Goldblaze's ears, ruffling his pelt. The second fox went flying colliding with a tree.
"That was incredible!" The white and silver shecat panted, "thank you so much!"
"We are indebted to you," The grey cat mewed, dipping her head to Goldblaze and Breezestripe.
"What are you doing here?" Goldblaze asked.
"Hiding. Those foxes have been following us since we left the city," the grey cat replied, "they killed Alari's mate," she flicked her tail to the white and silver cat.
"Sylvia thought that if we put a whole lake between us and the foxes they would leave us alone." Alari mewed, giving her chest a few swift licks.
"There's an old twoleg nest where you can stay if you like," Goldblaze offered, Sylvia dipped her head.
"Thank you, we won't stay long, but if you need some extra help just call," she said, leading Alari away with her tail. Breezestripe looked after Alari a warm glint in his green eyes.
"Thanks again!" Alari called back before the two shecats vanished into the bracken.
"Are you injured?" Goldblaze asked making Breezestripe jump.
"N-no." He answered, flustered. Goldblaze let out an amused purr.
"Let's get back to camp." He mewed, "we have to tell Bramblestar about those two taking up refuge in the old twoleg den," Goldblaze led the way back to the stone hollow.

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