Chapter 12

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Firestorm felt the chilly wind ruffle his fur. The cold stung his eyes and the chatter of the other cats around him made him nervous. Every cat had someone to talk to, but Firestorm would be luck if even one of his friends showed up. To Firestorm's relief he spotted Waterwing almost instantly.
"Firestorm! I'm over here!" She called, and swiftly he padded over to her.
"You have no clue how bad things have gotten." Firestorm meowed, shaking his head sadly. "Tigerheart is missing and..."
"Tigerheart's missing too?" Goldblaze had just pushed his way through a crowd of cats. By his side was a black tom with green markings.
"Dovewing's went missing not long ago. I wonder if they're connected." Goldblaze mewed sitting down next to Firestorm.
"They probably eloped," The black tom said smirking. Firestorm eyed him cautiously, his eyes narrowed.
"Who are you?" Firestorm asked, the black tom blinked a few times.
"My name is Breezestripe." He said hotly, a prideful glint in his eyes.  This statement made something click in Firestorm's eyes narrowed to slits and he curled his lip.
"I know who you are, if you try anything I'll rip your pelt off!" He growled, and Goldblaze stepped between them.
"Calm down, Breezestripe hasn't done anything. Give him a chance." The gold tabby's eye were sympathetic. Firestorm replied with a growl.
"He possessed you, and tried to curse the world!" He protested with a hiss.
Firestorm was nose to nose with Breezestripe. "If I get so much as a hint of anything you've done, I'll rip your pelt off!" He hissed. Breezestripe smirked, and nodded hotly.
"Message received, Firestorm," he sneered.
"You're not helping," Goldblaze hissed in Breezestripe's ear.
"He's just grumpy," Waterwing mewed, drawing Firestorm closer to her with her tail. "I have great news," she whispered in his ear.
"What is it?" Firestorm asked, his mind racing. What could possibly make his sister this happy? He was confused when Waterwing graded his paw with her own, and placed it on her belly. At first, Firestorm wasn't sure what he should do, or what this had to do with anything. That is until he felt a tiny kick from inside Waterwing's belly. A gasp escaped his mouth, and Firestorm's emotions became conflicted. Anger at Lightningheart flared in his mind, and joy at the revelation.
"You're going to have kits?!" He nearly squeaked the words aa he stared wide eyed at his sister. "Who's the father?" Firestorm asked, and Waterwing's expression went from loving to annoyed.
"It's Lightningheart, you mouse brain." She teased cuffing him over the ears with one paw.
"Why that little zap trap! Just wait until I get my paws on him!" Firestorm spat. He gritted his fangs.
"Calm down its not the end of the world." Zanefrost mewed warmly. Firestorm whipped around and faced the silver tom with shocked eyes.
"How are you here?" He asked and Zanefrost purred.
"I stopped having those nightmares and the pain in my chest is gone. After a few nights of undisturbed sleep I feel much better." He explained, then he regarded Waterwing warmly.
"So, I heard you're expecting kits. How did Lightningheart react?" He asked, and Waterwing let out an amused purr.
"He thought I was joking and then he completely flipped out. It wasn't until we talked about that he finally calmed down." She mewed, and they all shared a laugh; even Breezestripe joined in.
"That's pretty much how Hawkwing reacted when I told him Bellaleaf was expecting." Zanefrost chuckled, and Firestorm bristled.
"You talk about Hawkwing a lot. Is there something you're not telling us?" He asked harshly. Zanefrost looked confused, and blinked a few times before speaking.
"If feels a bit like he has adopted me. In the since that he treats me like all of you do; like a brother." Zanefrost explained, this didn't help Firestorm at all.
"So he calls you his brother?" He asked, his tail tip twitching with annoyance. Zanefrost blinked again but be for he could respond Waterwing cut in.
"What does it matter if Hawkwing calls him brother?" She asked in a hushed voice. Goldblaze and Breezestripe seemed inclined to agree but Firestorm didn't notice.
"It matters because they aren't!" He spat, and Zanefrost's neck fur began to bristle.
"Neither are you." He said bluntly, Firestorm's eyes widened slightly. Zanefrost had always said what was on his mind and hardly ever joked but he had never so blunt before. Without another word Zanefrost turned and walked away to where the deputies sat. He whispered something into Hawkwing's ear; the Sky Clan deputy shot Firestorm a glare, and the dark ginger tom looked at his paws.

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