Chapter 20

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Stonepool felt the fur on his spine rise. He had just woken from one of the worst nightmares he had ever experienced. A river of fire and blood had been running through the forest, he had been sitting in a clearing of four trees, one of fire, one of lightning, one of earth, and one of ice. Stonepool hadn't the faintest idea what it meant, or if it had truly been a dream from Star Clan. Clawing at the reeds of his nest, Stonepool felt a growl rumble deep in his throat.
"Stonepool, What's got you so riled up?" Owlnose grumbled, rolling over so he was facing Stonepool. Even with both toms laying down Stonepool towered over Owlnose.
"Just a bad dream," Stonepool replied, yawning wide before stretching and standing up. "I have to go get Softpaw, we're going hunting."
"I'll come with you." Owlnose offered eagerly, hopping up and stumbling over Shimmerpelt, who woke with a start.
"Watch where you're putting your paws!" She hissed, rolling back over and curling her tail over her nose.
"Sorry Shimmerpelt," Owlnose called over his shoulder, as he joined Stonepool outside the warrior's den. "So..." his voice trailed off unsurely.
"You can come with us," Stonepool conceited, "You can go wake up Softpaw, I need to go have a word with Mistystar before we head out." He watched as Owlnose's eyes lit up.
"Yes, of course!" He said dashing off to the apprentice's den. Stonepool's whiskers twitched in amusement. Owlnose had been doting on him, trying to hunt with him, or generally just spend time with him for the past moon. He rather liked the tom, though he found the constant flattery irritating at times.
Stonepool peered inside the leader's den, Mistystar was there clawing the scales from the perch she was eating.
"Mistystar, may I have a word?" He asked tentatively. She turned her blue eyes on the tom, and gave him a curt nod.
"What do you want?" Mistystar said in an undertone.
"I was wandering if Softpaw could have her warrior assessment. She's been doing really well with hunting and battle moves and we could always use more full warriors patrolling the borders." Stonepool said all this very fast. Even though he was much bigger than his leader she still radiated authority, making him feel twice as small.
"I see your reasoning. If she dose well with her hunting today I will call a clan meeting," Mistystar's voice was kind, but her eyes were still down cast.
"Is there something wrong Mistystar?" Stonepool asked. The blue-gray shecat sighed.
"I'm just getting old, as you know age doesn't just bring wisdom," the old leader looked up at him, her eyes like cloudy blue pools.
"Do you want me to get Mothwing?" Stonepool asked hurriedly.
"No." Mistystar said a little too quickly. You should go meet your apprentice." Stonepool have her a curt nod before exiting her den.
"Ready to go Softpaw?" Stonepool purred, the Small shecat bounced on the tips of her paws excitedly.
"Yes, I'm going to catch the biggest fish the forest has ever seen!" Softpaw cheered.
"Don't get cocky, if there is a fish like that it will be as big as you are," Stonepool teased, flicking his tail over Softpaw's ears.
"What are we waiting for let's get going!" Owlnose called from the reed entrance to the camp.
"Okay, Owlnose, keep your fur on," Stonepool meowed.
The hunting went very well, all things considered. Even though Owlnose slipped on a wet stone and fell in the water, each of them still caught a decently sized fish. Softpaw had caught the largest of the three, her proud purr sounding over the rush of the river as they returned to camp. Stonepool watched as Mistystar appeared at the mouth of her den. Her blue gaze swept over him and he gave her a slight nod. Mistystar gave him an approving blink before padding to the center of camp and leapt onto the large rock.
"Let all cats old enough to swim join in the clearing for a clan meeting." Mistystar's voice carried strongly across the clearing. The heads of many cats emerged from the dens and reeds. Owlnose pushed his way through the crowd.
"Watch where you're stepping!" Hissed Lakeheart under her breath; Owlnose had trodden on her tail.
"Sorry about that!" He squeaked like a kit. Stonepool had to suppress a purr of amusement as Owlnose sat next to him.
"I have called this meeting to honor a new warrior." Mistystar said her eyes scanning the gathered cats and they rested on Stonepool.
"Stonepool, do you believe Softpaw is worthy of reserving her warrior name?" She asked, and a chill ran down his spine.
"Yes, I do," Stonepool responded, the effect these words seamed to have on Softpaw was striking. Before she had been nervous and twitchy, but now she was bursting with joy and pride.
Mistystar turned her gaze to Softpaw, blue eyes gleaming.
"Softpaw do you promise to uphold the Warrrior Code and defend River Clan even at the cost of your own life?"
"I do!" She answered, "I will stand strong as a rock!" Softpaw added. And Stonepool heard Lakeheart inhale quickly with distaste. Mistystar nodded with approval.
"Then, by the power of Star Clan I, Mistystar, leader of River Clan give you your warrior name. Softpaw, form this moment forth you shall be known as Softcloud. Star Clan honors your strength and heart, and we welcome you as a full warrior of River Clan." As Mistystar finished speaking Stonepool was able to fully take in her words. Strength and heart. He molded over the words in his head as he cheered Softcloud on with the rest of his clan. Then it clicked, they were the same words Mistystar had used during his own warrior ceremony. Lakeheart seemed to have noticed that too; he caught her eye as he padded over to congratulate Softcloud. The burning fire of disapproval flashed in the shecat's eyes, and when he turned his back on her he could feel it burn into the back of his head.
"Are you ready?" He asked Softcloud, she nodded vigorously.
"I can do anything, staying up all night will be a piece of cake." She purred proudly. Stonepool let out his own purr of pride, he had taught her that saying, and quite a bit more than that.
"Get going, I'll see you in the morning," he gave her a playful shove toward the camp entrance, she purred again, and went on her way.
On his way back to the warrior's he passed Lakeheart who was joining the moon height patrol. For a heartbeat their eyes met and Stonepool saw that fire again. All cold disapproval, and spite. A look that said stay away from my daughter.

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