Manx time lapse

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I did another time lapse, and I set up my GoPro so that it actually looked good by taping it upside down to a gooseneck lamp. Of course when uploading it to YouTube my technology decided to be difficult and I spent hours of anxiety and almost pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to transfer the files from my computer to my phone so I could edit in iMovie. And my laptop is incredibly slow, which really didn't help at all. With further adieu, here is the video and the end result. Enjoy the video that was forged through my suffering and tears. Totally worth it in the end though but forgive me if I don't upload a time lapse for awhile cuz I need a break from idiotic technology. And I don't need advice because I've already figured it out and I'll probably flip my lid if anyone tries to lecture me on it because I have enough people lecturing me and I'm still pissed at my bloody laptop. Thank you for bearing with me through this rant and for supporting my art and stories. Imma gonna go to bed.

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