WHAT did they do to the whale?!?!?! 🐳🐳🐳

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So I play this mobile game called War dragons. Username Blaeyde, team Pestisdragons81, and I really love the game. It's really fun.

One in game Easter egg was that if you tapped the ocean around your base, a whale would sometimes jump out of the water.

One day I was slaphappy and joking with my brothers and they said something like spleen or eyes or some other body part and I said "Give it back to the whale!" After that they kept on shouting out random stuff and eventually I said "why do you keep stealing the whales body parts and organs? What did it ever do to you?"

Well, I was playing war dragons for a few minutes today when I noticed it looked a bit different. I tapped the water and this is what jumped out:

 I tapped the water and this is what jumped out:

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See? See? That's not natural! What have they done? What have they done to the whale? They have stripped it nekkid until all that was left was its bones! All I can say to the game developers at War dragons is GIVE IT BACK TO THE WHALE!!!!!

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See? See? That's not natural! What have they done? What have they done to the whale? They have stripped it nekkid until all that was left was its bones! All I can say to the game developers at War dragons is GIVE IT BACK TO THE WHALE!!!!!

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