Chapter One:

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"Damn it I'm late!" A blond hair male shouted and fell out of bed with a thud. The blond's name was Arthur, Arthur Kirkland. He quickly scrambled around the room, dressing himself and snagging his prized posession, his scetch book. "Damn, damn, damn-" He quickly slid down the rail of the stairs and was out the door. Another day for the young artist.

Arthur out of breath by the time he reached the school, he hoped the doors were still unlocked. He bounded up the school steps just as the door keeper was about to lock it. The man sighed and opened the door wide for the running Brit. "Late again Kirkland," He said to the young male who ran past him. "Sorry!" Arthur shouted and speed to his class. The door keeper sighed and shook his head. "Kids," He mumbled and finished his work.

Arthur turned sharply and slid into the classroom. "Sorry Mr. Bonnefoy!" He shouted and crashed into his seat. "And Kirkland is here in record time." The French male chuckled, by now this was a running routine. The small group of kids laughed and snickered causing the Brit to glare at them. "Alright, alright class settle down." Mr.Bonnefoy lightly scholded the class. "Today we're going to be doing a free project. I want to see what your talents are." The teacher's eyes drifted over the class, eyes hoovering over Arthur for a bit. "Hmm." A small cough left one of the students."Ah! Right, pardon." A few stridents snickered and eyed the two. Arthur was oblivious to what had happened. "Anyway, class. To work!" The class went to work, mumbling about how their teacher seemed to have a liking for the Brit. Arthur sighed and started to sketch, he didn't know what to draw- nor did he pay much attention to what he was sketching for he had zoned out. "Oh? Arthur is that moi you're drawning?" A French accent snapped him out of his little world. "E-hrm-!?" His head bolted up and he looked at his work, surprised to find a replica of the teacher. "Eh- s-sorry si-" "Non, non, it's okay. I find it amazing, your drawing is quiet good." The teacher tilted his head. "Hmm, looks somewhat mid-evil. I like it." The teacher brushed past the worrying student to help another with some paints. A small sigh left Arthur and I focused on calming himself before continuing.

The day drifted on and Arthur finished the sketch. He didn't know what else to do with it, so he just doodled on a spare sheat in his sketch book. "Arthur? Are you working or messing around?" Again Mr.Bonnefoy apeard behind Arthur, his blue eyes scanning the doodles. "Hm?" Artgur flushed in embarrassment. "I- uhm... I'm just.. sketching.." He stuttered out. "I can see that. Now come on Kirkland, get to work." The teacher turned and left the Brit alone. Another sigh left Arthur and he turned back to his previous sketch. "I'll just add some colour." He mumbled and went back to work.

Soon the class had ended and the students were slowly leaving. Arthur quickly packed his things away. Before he can leave his name was called by the teacher. "Yes Mr.Bonnefoy?" He questioned and stepped back into the classroom. "Pardon me, but I wanted to see the artwork you were working on." Arthur walked back over and set his bag down, he pulled the sketch book from the bag and opened it, Mr. Bonnefoy was already behind him looking over his shoulder at the work. "My, my, Kirkland. You really know how to catch my good side." The teacher studied the art work. "Hmmm." He glanced down at the slightly jumpy Brit. "You know Kirkland. You yourself are quite the work of art." He hummed and watched the Brit tenes up. "Maybe you'd like to work for me or maybe a few privet class? Hm?" Arthur closed his sketch book and put it back into the bag. "I'll.. think about it Mr.Bonnefoy." He mumbled and slipped out of the teachers way and went straight to the door. He was flustered. "Au revoir chéri." The teacher called, a smirk plastered into his face. Arthur quickly bolted out the door and down the corridor. His face dark with a burning blush.

The day continued, but thoughts of one another on their minds.

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