Chapter Six:

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"Alright class. Today we're doing a landscape project." Mr.Bonnefoy announced and passed out papers. "I want you to either do a small painting or drawing. Make sure you're careful and have fun with this!" He announces before flipping on some music for the background. Arthur smiled lightly and watched his boyfriend bounce about to other students, looking over their ideas and giving some input. Arthur turned away and started to sketch out his idea. When his sketch was done he moved over to the light table at the back of the room and transferred the sketch over to another paper. While he worked on his line art Francis decided to take a look along with placing a hand on the working Brit's hip. "Francis we're in class." He murmured and glanced up at the Frenchman. "So, they can deal with it I'm sure." Arthur only hummed in response and went back to work. "Arthur, I think you should paint that one..." Francis mumbled. "Hmm... it would look nice as a painting." Arthur mumbled back and earned a nod from Francis. "Oui, that and you need to have at least on painting in my class." Francis added in pressing a quick kiss to Arthur cheek before leaving Arthur, he still had other students to attend to.

Arthur finished the line art and looked over the paper. "What colours..." He hummed and walked over to the paint supplies, looking over his options. "Pink. Defiantly a pink. Blue as well." He mumbled colours while he pulled them from the shelf. When he found the needed colours he sat down at a stool, his canves was already in place. Now he had to focus.

Hours past and class was released, Arthur was absorbed into his project. Other stayed back to watch the young adult or to finish up their own, but soon they left; leaving the Englishman and the Frenchman in the room.

Francis watched Arthur paint away and smiled. He waited a good thirty minutes before interrupting the Brit. "Arthur cher, you can finish it later." Francis words didn't register in Arthur's mind, Francis himself realised this when a few more minutes past. With a sigh he walked over to Arthur, being careful not to scare the Briton. "Mon cher, it's time to go." He lightly wrapped his arms around Arthur, nuzzling into his neck. "Arthur." He murmured. "Hmm...?" A response finally left the workaholic Brit. "It's time to go." Francis repeated. He removed his head to look at the painting, it was marvellous; it felt like he was looking at a recreation of heaven.

 He removed his head to look at the painting, it was marvellous; it felt like he was looking at a recreation of heaven

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Arthur slowly drifted from his work and turned to Francis. "Sorry, I guess I was lost in my work." He chuckled slightly earning a smile from Francis. "It's fine Mon cher. Come on. I want to get you back home." Francis spoke and moved away from Arthur, he waited for Arthur to follow after and soon lead him to his car. Once the two were seated Francis started to drive off, heading to his own home this time. Arthur didn't seem to complain, he was off in his own world as he stared out the window, watching the scenery fly by until Francis house apeared into veiw.
"We're home." Francis hummed and stepped out of the car, Arthur following after. Over the time of being together they had established that both living places was known as home. The two entered the house and made their way to the bedroom, Arthur wanted to sleep while Francis just wanted to pester the Brit, which he did and it lead to him getting kicked out of bed. Arthur did let him back in bed after Francis retrieved a snack for him.
They held quiet and sweet conversations and gazed into one another, sweet talking and staying close to warm one another; cuddling close and resting easy in the love they both held for another.
love was held close and given back to their other; sweet caring love.

"I love you." The French male murmured to his Briton. "I love you too." The Briton murmured back, taking in the Frenchman's love as Francis did to his. The day moved on and night fell, claiming the lovers in a blanket of darkness; luring them to a peaceful sleep in one another's embrace.

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