Chapter Seven:

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May days, month, and years pass. Art and love, along with other passions were shared between the lovers. The relationship grew more entiment and other things have changed. It first started with Francis asking Arthur to move in, then later on down the path of Their love a proposal. The newly engaged couple made quick work of one another clothes and spent the night in pleasures and bliss, love tying it all toghter. Soon the big day had come, a white tux and a gray tux soon to be discarded after the after party of their uniting. Wine and other alcoholic beverages tainted their breath, but not their passionate love. More pleasures and love was had later on their honeymoon, but quality time was spent as well; showing that there were better things outside of the bedroom. The small things. As the years pass age grew along with love and the thought of kids came to mind. Knowing they couldn't physically have them adoption came to mind. A viset, a talk, and smiles. Papers sighed and not spread. In another few years, they were blessed with two twins. One ever loud but still love and the other as silent as a mouse, but still loved. The lovers, now united, and now a family were truely happy. The small family did face challenges but I'm the end they always loved one another. And that was the story of the Artists who fell in love and grew old together. Even in their final moments of life, they rest side by side, their love still intact over years to come.

"And thus so is the end." A golden blond told the listening teens, one his own and the other his brother's. "So that's how grand papa and grandpa met?" Amelia, Alfred's daughter asked. "Yes, that's how they met." The other man chuckled and sat down a cup of coco. "Sad to say they never got to see you little flowers." Matthew sighed and smiled at his brother. "Indeed. Now off to bed, you two start school tomorrow." Alfred shooed the giggling girls away before standing to join Matthew. The two brothers looked up at the painting that hung over the mantle. "You know... I wonder if they're watching us now." Matthew murmured turning his eyes to Alfred, who nodded. "I'm sure they are." Alfred mumbled and sighed. "I miss them." He said quietly and turned to face Matthew. The younger twin gave a sad smile. "I do too." The two brothers stood there, looking over the painting; it's sky tinted with pinks, purples, and blues. The painting was the very same painting in the story that Arthur was painting. The paint had been through many years, just like Francis' and Arthur's love. Soon the brothers turned away, catching two young teens scramble up the stairs to avoid being caught. With a small chuckle Alfred  nudged Matthew and the two walked up the stairs and went to sepret rooms and called it a night.

The family would one day reunite and the story would be passed on of the Artists along with the painting. Remeberance.

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