31. Changed Behaviour

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I opened my eyes to look at the same black water can. Light streamed from the now curtains-free windows and even the smell of food lingered throughout the house. A sweet melody sang from the kitchen and in a quick jump, I was up from the couch and on my way to the kitchen. 

As I turned into the kitchen and a female back was turned against me I screamed.

"What?" My mother turned around. A pan was placed in her right hand and a spoon in the left. "Are you okay?"

My mouth hung open as I watched the clean kitchen. The table was made nicely and the food was placed very beautifully in the middle. "What's happening?"

"I'm making breakfast." She moved the pan forward. "Want some bacon?"

"Uhm... no." I slowly sat down at one of the chairs and kept an eye on my mother.

"Why not?" she asked and placed the pan back on the stove. "Bacon tastes good." 

"I'm vegan," I mumbled down on a plate and played with the edge of my glass. 

"Talk a bit higher, sweetie, otherwise I can't hear you," she sang as the bacon fried on the stove. I took in a deep breath and placed my hands under my chin.

"I don't eat bacon." She turned towards me and began walking over to the table with the bacon. Her brows were drawn together as she looked at me.

"Why? That sounds ridiculous." She placed the bacon on the table and seated across from me.

"I'm vegan, mom," I told her and bit down my lip. She stared at me without blinking, her eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Huh... when did that happen?" She took some bacon over on her plate together with some fruit.

"Two years ago." I reached for the fruit and took a good amount.

"Why haven't you told me?" My eyes widened. Was she serious? I've told her almost every time possible the last two years. "Is everything okay? You look a little pale. Do you want to talk about it?" She laid down her fork and folded her arms on the table.

"I'm fine." 

"Good." Her smile was only half and without another word, she returned to her food and began eating in silence. I nipped to the fruit as if I thought it was poisoned. Each bite was smaller than the one before and it would taste worse and worse. Between the bites, a long break was being held, where I refused to even look up at my mom.

Mother placed another pile of food on her plate and fed her newfound monster appetite while glancing around the room. She snatched another bacon and ate it in two big bites. She picked up the white napkin by her side and dabbed her cheeks and lips. 

"Do you know where your father is?" she asked and laid her fork and knife on the plate. 

"No." I crossed my arms and looked away. This was too weird to be true. First the clean house. the breakfast and now a caring and talkative mother. This didn't make sense. There was defiantly something my mother didn't tell me. 

"Okay, then he just misses out on all the fun." Her words were flat and toneless and slowly she stood and took away her plate and began doing the dishes. 

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again since it probably wasn't a good idea to start asking too many questions. I stood from my chair and walked out of the room at a marvelous speed compared to my condition. 

The couch was tempting, but the thought of being near my mother didn't fall in my favor, so I proceeded up the stairs and into my own room, where I closed the curtains and sat down in the half-dark room. What was happening?

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