Chapter 5

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Harry awoke to feet tapping away on the hard floor of the halls in front of Louis' bedroom. He looked down only to see Louis with his mouth slightly ajar, drooling on Harry. He smiled down at his tiny omega fondly. It still hurt that Harry knew Louis doesn't want him.

In all honesty he always thought that he and Louis were meant to be, like that's why they looked like the first two, because they're true mates. But maybe Harry was just way too gone for the adorable omega, who was perfect so probably everyone thought that they and Louis would be the best couple ever.

The thought made Harry angry but he tried to will it away, he can't keep up this overly protective attitude. If Louis ignores him again for it then Harry would be so hurt, he isn't sure that he can go through that again.

There was a knock on the door, snapping Harry out of his creepy staring and causing Louis to awake. Jay came in looking a little worried but it seemed to subside when her eyes fell on Harry, who clearly didn't go home after putting Louis in bed.

"Oh good morning babies."

"Hi" Louis didn't respond he just buried his face deeper into Harry's neck, turning his body further towards him. He was basically lying on top of Harry now and Harry didn't mind that one bit.

"Harry, dear can you get Louis up, get him to eat and come to the clearing for the exile. Dan and I will take the rest right now. I wanted to let Louis sleep in a little but then Daisy fell, so I just lost track of time and the twins walk really slowly, we won't make it if we leave any later."

"Sure, is she okay?"

"Yes thank you dear, see you both. And you only have half an hour, so hurry." Jay turned on her heel and was out. Harry heard the front door minutes later so he knew it's just the two of them now. He gently shook Louis from his sleep.

"Morning pup, it's time to wake up." The feather-haired boy stirred a little and ever so slowly opened his eyes.

Harry's breath hitched when Louis looked up to him, with those magnificent blue orbs.

"Good morning Haz." Louis was about to lie back but Harry got up and pulled Louis with, making the later whine. Harry chuckled at his lazy, kitten-like behaviour.

"Come on baba, we have to get ready and be at the exile in 26 minutes." Louis' eyes jumped open, looking terrified.

"You'll be there though. Right?" Louis' voice was wavering and cracked multiple times, making the younger lad's heart shutter with each little worried noise leaving his beautiful lips.

"Yeah we're going together, just the two of us. Your parents have already left with the kids." Louis slowly nodded and grabbed Harry's hand guiding him downstairs to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna quickly make some toasts."

"Or you should go back up and get ready while I'll make those toasts. I don't have to change." Harry motioned to his outfit. He was wearing his jeans and shirt from yesterday. As a matter of fact so was Louis. Louis nodded and quickly ran back up, changed, washed his face and teeth.

He proceeded to quickly comb his hair as well then left a toothbrush out for Harry and walked back to the kitchen. There were already two plates on the table ready to be eaten.

"I left a toothbrush out for you." Harry thanked him quietly and they ate their breakfast quickly.

They still felt the need to make conversation though, so they were chatting with their mouths being full. It should be rude and disgusting but to them it wasn't. They used to be so close and it really wasn't hard to fell back into how it was when they were younger.

True Mates-L.S.✓Where stories live. Discover now