Chapter 6

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Louis' eyes flew open as a thought occurred to him. Harry is going away for a week. A full week. Tomorrow at 5 AM. Louis looked at his clock only to see that it read 4:47.

"Shit then he's going now not tomorrow."

Louis got out of his bed with lightning speed and started to throw his clothes around to find something that would fit his requirements, he ended up quickly grabbing a clean, white hoodie and he was out his window, shifting and running to Harry's.

Louis will be fine without Harry cause he can just go to his room like how he always did when he and Harry weren't talking but what will Harry do? He's going to be physically sick after 4 days. Louis remembers Harry telling this to him as well.

Louis was under Harry's window in no time and he heard that Harry was alone, zipping something, probably his suitcase. Louis climbed quickly up only to find Harry's window closed.

He knocked on the glass softly, making Harry look his way from above his bag and as his eyes fell on Louis his beautiful face was graced with an even prettier smile. "Hi Lou, what are you doing here?" Harry pulled him inside and into a tight hug immediately.

"Harry, we're leaving." The voice of Robin boomed from below them right then so Harry pulled back. Louis hasn't said a word just stepped back a little and pulled off his jumper that he slept in, making Harry's eyes wide. The Alpha's gaze immediately found Louis' smooth skin, gaping at him. Louis looked absolutely beautiful. Damn why does he have to leave?

Louis shook his head at Harry, giggling quietly at the younger lad in front of him and pulled his hoodie over his head while holding out the jumper he just removed.

"I figured that you'll need something with my scent on it, don't you?" Louis was still holding out his jumper with a shy little smile on his face, making Harry smack his forehead.

"Fuck, thank you Lou. I would literally die without it. Thank you." Harry pulled Louis back and enveloped him in a hug, wrapping his arms around the omega's smaller body and letting his hands rest against his spine, as this led his attention to the fact that he can't last any longer than 4 days.

Harry pushed his head into Louis' neck, right above his mating mark and inhaled multiple times as deeply as he could. Louis did the same enjoying that this is still Harry and not just his bed.

"HARRY." The two boys jumped a little by the sudden voice and Louis let go of Harry, cupping his cheeks instead.

"Have a fun trip Haz." Harry smiled and pushed their lips together.

"Be careful." Louis rolled his eyes at that. Of course Harry would say that.

"What, you don't want me to have fun?" Louis mocked being offended.

"Nope." Harry quickly pecked Louis' nose and turned on his heel going back to pick up his bag, making Louis gasp.

"But for what it's worth I won't have fun without you either." Louis laughed loudly and climbed back out the window letting Harry shut it before he left with his dad. Louis walked home and figured that he can just get ready for school. When he reached his place he quickly showered and has just finished brushing his hair when his mum came to call him down for breakfast.

He ate with his family then took the girls to school, after which he headed to his own personal hell. Louis parked his car and got out, locking it. He made his way inside ignoring everyone like always but now he had even more unwanted attention on him than what he'd gotten used to through the years. Perhaps because of his inner wolf.

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