Chapter 8

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A/N: Cuteness overload...

I'm dead.

Louis woke up feeling nauseous. It wasn't too bad but his tummy felt weird and he kind of had a headache as well. He didn't get sick though so he figured that he'll be alright to just go to school. Was not really able to eat much at breakfast, he still made sure to put something into his system though.

"Darling are you okay?" Jay seemed worried like always when one of her babies was getting sick. "Yeah I'm fine mum, thanks, just feeling a little iffy."

"What does that exactly mean?" His dad also piped into the conversation, seemingly just as perturbed. "I'm not even sure myself, I feel a little off I guess, I think I just have a stomach bug."

"Well maybe you should stay home darling, rest a little." Jay suggested lightly but Louis just shook his head.

"I'll be alright, don't worry."

"Darling we just got a call that dad and I will have to leave for a meeting with a hospital from our neighbours, we're going to take all the kids to your grandma so you can rest. But call us if something is wrong okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Also have you invited Harry over yesterday?"


"Well there is food home so the two of you can just stay here, it would be nice if he'd stay to look after you."

"I'll ask if he wants to stay the night." Louis finished the conversation.

After all his siblings were done, they loaded into the car and Louis dropped them off at their schools then headed to his own, when he parked he saw Harry outside, all his stuff still on him, so he probably didn't even go in, just waited for Louis.


Harry was watching people mingle into school, while he waited for Louis to come. How they were interacting, who was alone and who seemed to be the loudest, after all these are the people who he will be the leader of when they're his pack. Although his thoughts sidetracked when Louis came as something was off.

"Are you okay?" Harry scanned over Louis multiple times, having a bad feeling but not quite able to put a finger on it. "Good morning to you too Haz. How was your night?" Louis smiled in the slightest but the alpha was beyond concerned to even register anything right now.

Louis looked a little pale and he had tiny little bags under his eyes. Harry just was not able to calm himself right in that second as he was ogling his Louis over. Louis plainly rolled his eyes, shaking his head at Harry's demeanour.

"I feel sick, but I'm fine Harold, I'm not dying. Now come on." Louis pulled Harry with, who was still very worried for his tiny omega's health and well being.

"Can I help somehow?" Harry caught up to Louis while they were heading towards their lockers.

"Alpha can you come here for a second." Mr. Green stood next to another teacher speaking up at the same time as Harry did. Her name was Amanda Martin and she was one of the most neutral people that you could meet. No one really liked or hated her. But it soothed Louis' nerves because it was highly unlikely that Harry's in trouble with her.

Harry was completely ignoring everyone though whilst Louis turned back curiously. The curly-haired alpha immediately stepped in front of him and cupped his cheeks, blocking his vision of their teachers who were trying to gain Harry's heed.

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