Chapter 7

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The next day both Anne and Robin were awoken by the phone's obnoxious ringing.

"Hello." Robin answered it with his voice deep from his sleep.


"Yes, sure."

"Bye." Anne looked at him questioningly so Robin explained to her that his sister will come for a quick visit now. They agreed that Harry should stay home then and perhaps head to school when his aunt has left.

Anne went to wake him but upon entering her son's room she was beyond flabbergasted to see Louis in Harry's arms sound asleep. Anne heard the phone ringing again as she took in the state of the two in the bed. They looked already mated, like they belong together.

Harry even in his sleeping state was keeping Louis safe while Louis subconsciously tried to be as close to his alpha as possible. For Anne and Robin that took years, to gain so much trust as his son and Louis already had.

She would never forget how she felt when she saw her only 6-year-old son, running after Louis, and helping him up when Louis fell while playing footie with his friend Niall. Or how Louis looked out for Harry and always came over when Harry was not cooperating with his parents.

There have been so many times when Harry had these fits of sobs coming over him, because of people treating him poorly and not saying his name. The tiny omega was always the only one who had been able to calm Harry.

Once Harry was furious over some stupid kid touching his sister in an inappropriate way, Anne will be the first to admit even she's been intimidated by Harry then but Louis just stepped in front of Harry and embraced him tightly, making him relaxed efficiently.

Anne was snapped out of her thoughts by Robin telling someone over the phone not to worry, Louis is indeed here.

"Harry and him will go to school together don't worry about a thing. Bye darling." Robin hung up and he and Anne left the two to sleep a little longer. They headed to the kitchen and Anne was making some breakfast while Robin called the school.

"Hi, it's me, Robin. I'm calling to let you know that Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson will get to school late today due to family business. Yes, thank you. Bye." Harry awoke to the wonderful smell of Louis so his face was graced with a smile first thing in the morning. He saw the clock and noted that they're late for school. Like really late.

"Come on pup, wake up. We're late." Louis opened his eyes slowly as someone was nudging his sides. It tickled a lot so he was squirming in the person's hold, giggling while he pleaded with Harry to let him go.

"Okay, okay I'm up stop it." Louis got it out between fits of laughter so Harry stopped his merciless attack and closed his arms back around Louis.

"We're incredibly late."

"Shit, my parents don't know that I'm here. I didn't mean to stay over." Louis got up in a rush knocking the air out of Harry by pushing himself off of his chest and falling to the ground face first just as Anne entered to wake the two.

"Actually you're not late and your parents know that you're here." The boys looked like deer caught in headlight again but Harry snapped out of it rather quickly.

"What do you mean?"

"Your aunt is coming over and we've called the school that both of you will be late. As for you darling, J just called and she knows that you're safe and sound." The pair was staring at Anne trying to take all the new found information.

"Now come on, breakfast is ready." With that Anne exited the room and Louis soon followed after her with Harry.

Harry's aunt was already there with her husband and they were talking away for hours. Louis absolutely loved Harry's family. They were all so nice. Around noon they left though so Harry and Louis got back upstairs to go to school.

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