Chapter 10

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A/N: So I want to warn y'all that this chapter has smut in it, like full on smut so please don't read if you'd be scarred for life from that. 

Anygays, Enjoy ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

For a whole week now Harry and Louis were having the most boring time of their lives. Harry was away again, but this time Louis made sure to give him even more articles of clothing and they've talked for hours while Louis spent most of his time in Harry's bed. Once he didn't even get out to go to school.

At school he was constantly followed by Liam like before but he put up with it as he loves Liam sort of and mostly because his Alpha asked him to. He is sure that Harry knows that Louis would never say no to him. He must have figured that out by now. It was alright though Louis loved being good for Harry and no one has to know about that.

It was Monday morning again and Harry will come home sometime very soon. Louis is a little worried as Harry had grown rather impatient about their scent sharing. He really doesn't know how much more clothes he should pack him next time. Maybe he should just pack himself to Harry's suitcase.

Louis, himself was rather desperate for it since he's spent most of his time in Harry's room, the whole room smelled like him.

He went home this morning only to take his siblings to school then head to his own one. He wasn't very proud of how he's left Harry's room but he'll fix it later. The taller lad for sure won't go home but come to school to see Louis so he's still got time to get everything clean.

Louis was sleeping in Harry's bed like he'd done this full week, but this time he had a rather interesting dream. Okay so Louis had a fucking wet dream about Harry so all of his sheets are covered in his scent, absolutely soaked in Louis' slick.

As Louis walked to his locker he could already feel Liam's presence. "So the Alpha will come home today right?" If Louis would have to take a wild guess he'd say that after Harry and him, Liam was definitely the most done with Harry being gone.

Louis really didn't try to make this hard for him but somehow he still did. "Yeah, don't worry mate, you'll be free soon enough." Liam gave a tired smile, Louis felt sorry for him then he saw Amrita and Niall walking by so he disregarded his thoughts and ran after them.

"Wait up." Liam jogged after him, looking ready to kill Louis himself.


Harry was anxiously bouncing his leg in the car while Robin drove home. "Are you alright son?"

"Yeah sorry just excited to be home again." Harry wasn't really paying attention and Robin saw this but chose to say nothing. Their parents have figured out their need to be together and Robin once caught Harry rolling on the ground with his face wrapped in Louis' clothes.

It was one of a lifetime sight that he'll never be able to forget. Still, no one knew what Louis and Harry are truly needing, no one knew about the scent sharing.

They finally reached home and Harry boomed out of the car running towards his school not even stopping to go inside. Robin smiled at him as it looked like he missed school so much and that it made the older alpha chuckle involuntarily.

Harry reached the school and realised that it's already the second period. He really wasn't about to wait for 30 more minutes so it would be done.

He walked deliberately towards Louis' classroom. He knows that Louis goes into a few classes to help out the teachers and what not, obviously he's already done all of his classes but his submission one, so he usually helps out with the presentations or tutoring so more students can get the opportunity to have an adult's full attention on their personal struggles with studying.

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