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A/N: There's smut in this chapter.

That's it.

Please carry on I have nothing left to say to you.

It was time. It's the 28th of September.

After Harry and Louis have graduated they started to get everything done for their wedding. It took them a few weeks since with this they'll become the leaders so obviously in their wedding the entire pack has to be present.

People have grown to accept Louis one way or another. Most only did because Harry let no other choice to anyone. Mr. Green was the one who took the longest time and he's never seemed to accept how Harry and Louis love each other. He only saw Louis as a disobeying horrible excuse of an omega. Even he changed his mind but that was due to completely different reasons.

One day he was starting his class and he saw that Tomlinson wasn't there and neither was the Alpha. He got really pissed, went to find them and get Tomlinson expelled once and for all.

He was walking through the school, looking everywhere where he figured the pair could be at.

After half an hour he was about to give up when he caught the smell of Tomlinson. He followed the scent down the hall and discovered it going to the auditorium.

Green stepped inside and saw Tomlinson straddling the Alpha's lap while talking to him.

He was about to open his mouth but he heard a quiet, muffled sob.

He was taken aback when he realised that the Alpha was crying. He's never seen him like that, no one has. Why would he let Louis, his supposed mate see him so weak?

He was too gobsmacked to even react or do anything. He just stood there and stared at the pair.

"I just really don't want that to happen pup. I shouldn't leave for that long. What if something happens? Can't you come with me?"

"Harry listen, I'm gonna be fine, you'll be fine. We are both going to be fine."

"But your heat is coming and I won't even be here. I'm horrible. I'm the worst alpha ever....I-I..."

"Harry listen to me now, you are the best alpha that there ever was or ever will be. I'm yours like I always was and always will be. Not a single person could ever touch me and you know that. So what's really bothering you?"

"You can't be sure I was there standing guard most of the times or being there with you. Now I'm going to be out of town and people even know it. What if someone think that they can go ahead and make a move?"

"Hazza you know that that really doesn't matter right? You just said that you've seen me in heat, you know that I'd never let anyone touch me not even in heat, only you. So the real reason?"

"I just feel bad about everything regarding this. We're mates Lou I get all horny when you're in heat, always did. How am I supposed to pay attention to a bunch of old boring alphas when all I can feel is the need to knot you? And you have to do it alone. What kind of alpha am I? Can't even do the one thing that I'm supposed to..."

"Harry you're doing the one thing you're supposed to. You're here for me and that's all I need. I love you so much Hazzy. I don't need a knot as long as I have you."

Harry sighed loudly and rested his head against the tiny omega's on his lap.

"I love you too Boo Bear." Louis laughed loudly throwing his head back and Harry smiled fondly at him with so much love in his eyes.

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