5. Who Is Angel Nick?

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Chapter Five... Who Is Angel Nick?

I had spent three days troubled by a dream.

In my dream, I had discovered that my grandmother Sophia, who was my mothers mother, had an affair with an Angel. But not only that, she also knew about the Angels, too.

As I began learning my abilities, I knew that I had to speak to Amiah. She knew Nick, she was in my dream. Who was Angel Nick? I had to know who he was.

After my Teleportation class, where I'd once again failed to Teleport, I cornered Amiah.

"Hey, can I ask you some questions?" I queried, eyeing her. She looked surprised.

"Sure, Ruby," she reluctantly agreed. "What's on your mind?"

"Did you, or do you, know an Angel by the name of Nick?" I asked.

Her face fell.

"Yes," she confessed. "I know him."

"Did you know that he had an affair with my grandmother, Sophia Wilkinson?" I prodded, eager for more information.

"Not for sure, but I always suspected," she admitted in a soft voice. "Of course, I could never prove it. Nobody would have been able to. Nick was excellent at keeping secrets, that's for sure."

"You saw him in the alley that night, right?" I stated. "You sensed that a human had been there just moments before you."

"Ruby, how do you know that?" Amiah asked me quietly, looking scared.

"I had a dream, except that it was more like a vision," I explained. "In the vision, you appeared after Nick had talked to my grandmother Sophia. My grandmother was only in her twenties, but she knew all about the Angels. She begged Nick to make her like him, but he explained that he couldn't."

"You have to know, Ruby, Angels aren't meant to engage with humans for the fact that they could still fall for them, as we do have human emotions," Amiah sighed. "Nick was so secretive. But you'll never find out who he is, Ruby. Because he is a protected Angel. He is an Angel who chose to have an affair with a human, except until now I didn't know for sure."

"Please, Amiah," I pleaded exasperatedly. "My grandmother had my mom when she was twenty five. She looked to be around that age in my vision, perhaps a bit younger. Everyone knows that one of my ancestors is the product of an Angel and a human... What if my mother was born half human, half Angel?"

Amiah thought for a moment about what I was explaining. I knew that she knew something, but whatever she knew, she was sworn to secrecy.

"Your mother was raised by humans, right?" Amiah asked.

"By my grandmother Sophia and my grandfather John," I clarified.

"After I found out that you had an inherited ability, and an extremely rare one at that, I did some research," she explained. "Your mother was born exactly seven months after the night I saw Nick in that alleyway. At the time, and up until the other day, I never knew if Nick had really had an intimate relationship with a human, or if it was just a coincidence. But I believe that Nick was your mother's biological father, and that he used his Angel powers to cover it up because he would have been condemned if anyone ever found out."

"What does Niases say about all of this?" I questioned curiously, feeling a little shocked. My grandmother had had an affair, and she'd gotten pregnant to an Angel by the name of Nick.

"He says that he'll fix it all up," she shrugged, and something seemed off about it all.

Amiah left me to ponder everything I'd just learnt. My mother was the product of a forbidden human-Angel relationship, and I didn't even know. Was this why I was destined to become an Angel, because technically I was genetically part Angel?

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