2. New Tricks

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Chapter Two... New Tricks

As a result of being the new Angels, the ten of us were set to learn a variety of powers and abilities to aid us ready to take on our new responsibilities. We would work together as a couple, which could be interesting because they paired us off by how well we got along together. And in Danielle and Jonah's case, they were actually a couple, so it made sense they were put together.

But now we'd been given a class schedule, and the ten of us learnt that we'd all be learning different things.

My schedule was:

8.30am Invisibility... All Students Attend

9.30am Teleportation... Ruby and Rowan, Kayden and Matilda

10.30am Recess

11.00am Sensing (The ability to sense those who need our help) Girls in one class, boys in the other

12.00pm History of Angels (Theory Class)... Ruby, Matilda, Rowan, Danielle, Harry

1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Healing... Ruby and Rowan, Matilda and Kayden

3.00pm Mind Manipluation... Ruby and Rowan only

Rowan and I were the only ones to learn Mind Manipluation. Danielle and Jonah would learn Day/Night Manipulation, Kayden and Matilda would learn Weather Manipulation, Harry and Nicole were set to learn Telepathy (how to read minds) and Bridget and Luke would learn how to conjour objects.

Eventually we'd all know these things, but we were to learn them at different times. I suppose that all new Angels went through the same process...

Our first full day of classes was both challenging and tense.

In our Invisibility class, I was the only one who could successfully make myself disappear. And I could do it several times, and all I had to do was think about it.

Then it came to our Teleportation class, and Matilda flipped out when she couldn't do it on the first day. Kayden tried to calm her, but she burst into a fit of tears. Neither Rowan or I were able to disappear and reappear over the other side of the room, and Kayden didn't give much of an attempt, choosing to talk to a frustrated Matilda instead. We learnt that in the other Teleportation class, Luke was the only one to successfully use the power, as he'd done the previous day in our Invisibility class.

At Recess, things couldn't have been more bitter.

"So how did your Teleportation class go?" Danielle asked Matilda.

"Oh, don't ask that!" I said softly.

"It was a load of crap," Matilda groaned. "What idiot in their right mind thinks that a bunch of high schoolers could do this crap?!"

"Matty, cut it out!" Kayden sighed.

"I wasn't a high schooler," Bridget pointed out.

"Don't make things worse," Kayden warned her.

"Jeez, tense much?" Nicole scowled.

"I want to go back to being myself!" Matilda shouted across the Meal Hall. "I hate this place! I hate it! I hate it!"

Matilda got up and stormed off alone.

"Wow, I always thought that you'd be the one to flip out first," Nicole chuckled, looking at Danielle.

"What would make you think that I would flip out?" Danielle frowned.

"Because you and your ever-so perfect boyfriend over there died together," Nicole replied smugly. "And well, you never got to be engaged, get married, have kids... your life is over, you know. You're just here together... but not actually together."

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