3. Something You're Not Supposed To Know

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Chapter Three... Something You're Not Supposed To Know

Our first week of Angel school had its ups and downs.

By the end of the week I was the only one who could successfully become invisible. I even grabbed Rowan's shoulder one class and made him fully invisible with me. The Angels Niases, Lia and Genina all watched on, amazed.

Being able to make others invisible with you was a Level 2 ability that I shouldn't be able to do yet.

Luke was excelling at his teleportation, and Matilda finally did it at the end of the first week, much to her delight.

Danielle was good at manipulating day and night already. She sat there one night, making the room light go on and off randomly. Jonah couldn't do it yet, so we knew it was her.

As the weekend came, we had two days of free time. Angels got free time too, except this weekend we were each going with an Angel to learn something about how to master our abilities, and what we'd come to expect.

Rowan and I were going with an Angel named Amiah, who taught Telepathy.

"Hello Rowan and Ruby," she smiled as we approached her. "This is an esperience. We are off today to Paris, where there has been a shooting but the victims are still alive. And not all of them are meant to be."

"We are ending their lives?" Rowan asked sadly.

"It's better for them," Amiah answered.

"They're suffering, while they're still here," I said quietly. "They're better off in heaven, where they will be free from pain."

"Exactly, Ruby," Amiah grinned. "Now hold on tight. We're teleporting, and you have to hold on or you get left behind."

Rowan and I each took one of Amiah's arms. The next thing we knew, we were in Paris, right near the Eiffel Tower.

"Wow! It's beautiful!" I gasped.

"Yes, it is," Amiah agreed. "But we'll come back here later. For now, we need to visit a hospital, and send some people off into the light."

"Sounds depressing," Rowan sighed.

"It gets easier," Amiah smiled. "A lot easier."

"I hope so," Rowan muttered softly.

We walked around following Amiah until we found the hosiptal she was talking about. Paris was a beautiful city, that was for sure. I'd always dreamt of coming here, and now I was here. People speaking in French, eating pastries and eyeing the familiar scenery? It was like paradise to me.

Entering the hospital, a doctor spotted us and started speaking in French. Amiah spoke back in French, too, and the doctor pointed down the hallway. We followed in silence.

"At level two, you learn a language," Amiah spoke softly. "You two will be learning French. Your friends Matilda and Kayden will learn Spanish, Harry and Nicole will learn Chinese, Danielle and Jonah will learn Italian, and Luke and Bridget will learn German."

"Cool!" I grinned.

"Yes, it is pretty cool," Amiah agreed. "French was the second language I learnt in Angel school. The first was Japanese. Konnichiwa," she chuckled. "But you learn to speak every language over time, because you have to be able to communicate with anyone in the world."

"How long have you been an Angel?" I asked curiously.

"Seventy seven years," she replied. "I've been a teacher for twenty-seven of those. You see, when you reach the fiftieth year of your immortality, you have to become something. So I chose teaching. And I've been teaching Telepathy the whole time. Of  course, you guys are the first group to come through here in over ten years. We had many Angels, and some were set to retire. Of course, Ruby, you would have come to us and started at the school alone, had it not been for Death's retirement."

"How can Death just retire?" Rowan asked.

"We don't know," Amiah answered grimly. "And that's what scares us. You see, when the Angels all vanished, it was only Niases and all of the teachers of the school that remained. We are all learned in many abilities, and I'll be teaching French to you two when you reach Level 2."

"You make it sound like a game," Rowan frowned.

"Well, I guess it kind of is," she agreed. "I mean, we don't get a choice, do we? And once you're a fully trained Angel, you'll be able to help create and recruit new Angels."

"Create?" I frowned.

"Well, each of the Angels before you could reproduce," she smiled. "The only Angels who can't reproduce are us teachers, because we need to be on top of our game. See, I had children in the real world, and I had to leave them behind forever, and my husband. My grandchildren still live on, and my great-grandchildren. As an Angel, I could never love someone else."

"Is that why we're paired off boy and girl?" I asked.

"Niases said we shouldn't tell you yet, because you need to settle in first," she sighed. "But yes. You see, if Danielle and Jonah hadn't have died, they would have conceived a child last night."

"So you're pretty much saying that you had to manipulate the natural order of things so that we could all be here, to not only become Angels, but to be paired up to create other Angels, too?" I questioned.

"You're smart, Ruby," Amiah grinned. "But over time, when you're more trained up, you'll be expected to bond with your partner in more ways than a friendship."

"Okay..." Rowan frowned.

"Don't let it scare you," Amiah chuckled. "You guys are far from there yet, and it is a natural process. It's the same as being a human, you know."

"Okay, but as humans, sixteen year olds get frowned at when they reproduce," I pointed out.

"Yes, and you'll only be physically sixteen," Amiah reminded me.

It was hard to comprehend that more was expected of us than I initially thought. Nevertheless, it was still better than fighting cancer. Anything was, even death.

We made it to a room where there was a patient all bandaged up. The woman had multiple gunshot wounds, and Amiah walked over to her.

"The doctor said it was a miracle that she was still alive," she spoke. "But that's because she was meant to die."

"So we're taking her with us," I finalised.

"First, we must wake her," Amiah began, taking her hand.

The woman woke up, looking startled.

"We're here to end your pain," Amiah spoke gently. "Come with us."

I took Amiah's hand, and Rowan took mine. The woman took Amiah's other hand, and we watched in amazement as the woman's body walked back to the bed and laid down in exactly the same spot as it had done before.

But the spirit of the woman held Amiah's hand.

Suddenly the door opened, and I put my hands up in shock.

The door froze. Everyone inside the room didn't, though. Amiah looked at me in shock, and grasped my hand firmly.

Next thing we were at the golden gates to heaven, where the woman walked off freely.

"You froze time, Ruby," Amiah said firmly. "It's the rarest Angel ability there is!"

"I didn't, did I?" I frowned.

"Freezing time is not a learnt ability," she continued. "It's an inherited one, and it usually comes from the child of two Angels, not an Angel who was selected from the human population."

"I don't get it," I admitted. "Is this a bad thing?"

"No, it's not," she sighed. "It's just not an ability that you should know how to do."

"So what does this mean, then?" I asked. "I'm a freak because I can freeze time? I didn't even know I could do it!"

"No, you're not a freak," she informed me. "But it means that somewhere in your geneology, there was an Angel, and the ability came out in you."

"But... isn't that impossible?" I frowned.

"It's supposed to be," she admitted. "It just means that an Angel had an affair with a human, and that's extremely forbidden."

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