Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I didn't go home that day. Because I was still pissed... No, furious at my mom. One look at her face and someone's blood will be in my hands. So, instead of going home, I stayed at The Greenhouse. As you can see, Lucas doesn't live there anymore... He's now living with Jess.

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I shuddered at the thought and tried pushing it out of my head. But instead focused on my book... I was currently reading the book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. It's pretty awesome... so far.

The door suddenly opened and out of instinct, I pulled out my gun while dropping the book in the process. I pulled the trigger but unfortunately, it hit the wall and not the intruder.

"Whoa! Hey! Easy there, fella! I was just checking if anyone was even down here!" Thankfully, it was only Lucas.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and tried to slow the fast beating of my heart which was running with adrenaline.

Lucas slowly descended from the stairs and finally hit the floor. He walked up to me and eyed me suspiciously. "Hey, you okay?" he asked.

"I'm perfect. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Jess or something?" I asked and bent down to pick up my fallen book.

I'll search the page later.

"Yeah. I was just with her. I came down here to get a few things for her." he said and studied the book that was on the table.

My book.

"Ooh! The Fault In Our Stars! You know what happens in the end, right?" Oh no. "Gus dies!" NOOOOOOO!!!

"God damn it, Lucas! Why do you have to spoil everything?!" I complained.

He laughed at my face. "You're welcome. You'll thank me one day," he said.

I glared at him. "No, I won't. Because now I don't feel like reading this anymore, thanks to you." I spat.

"Oh! By the way! Nice blow. Landon totally deserved that punch in the nose." he said with a proud grin.

I suddenly felt the guilt wash over me once again. "No, he didn't. Besides, it was an accident. It was unintentional." I said.

He nodded his head at me and studied me curiously. " Uh-huh. Could've fooled me."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Just do what you came here for and leave. Please?" I said.

He laughed. "Okay! Okay, fine! I'll see you tomorrow." he said.

"Bye!" I called out with a smile and then I was alone again.

~ o ~

I sighed and went back to reading. I was halfway into finishing the entire book, Seriously? Why is this author so annoying?, when I heard a door bang. I stood up almost immediately and my hands touched the base of my gun.

"Lucas?" I called out my breath turning shallow.

No answer.

I walked slowly in the direction of the noise with the gun in hand. "Lucas, is that you?" I called out once again.

Another bang came from somewhere."Lucas, if this is your way of paying me back for that mayonnaise prank, then fine. I'm sorry... but seriously, your face was pretty priceless. You had to admit." I muttered, chuckling to myself.

Last week, I placed a prank on Lucas and placed some mayonnaise on his pants. Of course, I had a little help from my brother.

I positioned my gun and continued to walk toward the sound. When I got there, I was expecting someone or something but what greeted me completely took me by surprise.

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