Chapter Six

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By the time I woke up, Jess and Marlie had just entered my room and they both gasped when they saw me.

"Oh my gosh. Chris, you look terrible!" Jess said.

"Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious," I said weakly and sniffed.

Marlie came up to me and touched my four head. She gasped and put her hand back to her side.

"Chris, your burning up." She said.

"Yeah, well I feel a little burned up myself," I said. I hate feeling this way. It makes me so weak and vulnerable and easy to kill. And it is not a good feeling, I tell you.

Jess went out of the room and went back with my mom who looked like she was about to cry.

"Chris, what happened?" she said.

Jess explained everything and my mother looked at me with a guilty expression on her face.

"So, you weren't lying," she said.

Oh. So, she didn't believe me?

The thought made me angry. "What's her temperature?" I heard my mom ask.

"39° Celsius," Marlie said.

I took a deep breath before trying hard to sit up and threw the covers off my body.

"No, Chris. You have to lie down." my mom said.

"Leave me alone," I said and stood up and a wave of nausea hit me like a hurricane and I suddenly felt dizzy but instantly covered it up. "I'm fine." I snapped before going out of my room and leaving the house.

~ o ~

I was walking around the streets without my leather jacket and with my mind going crazy. Every once in a while, a wave of nausea would hit me and I would almost fall over but I managed to keep walking. I was sweating and my lips were dry.

I kept walking like a drunk woman when it suddenly rained and I was soaking wet. Again. Everything was swirling now and I couldn't handle it much longer.

I collapsed.

~ o ~


I was going home from Cole's house when it suddenly rained. Great. More problems.

I ran when I saw Chris. Without her leather jacket. Funny, she never goes out of her house without it. And then suddenly she was falling down and the next thing I know, I was catching her.

She's burning, was the first thing that came to mind. And then I remembered... Blake.

I immediately brought her to the hospital and called her mom. I decided to stay outside her hospital room for a moment. That is until her mom arrived.

When the doctor came out (who was also a friend of mine), he told me that she had a high fever but she'll be okay in just a few days.

I debated with myself on whether I should go inside or not. Well, you did just save her from dying, the voice at the back of my head answered.

I should just leave, I answered myself. God, I'm crazy.

You can't, stupid! That would be a really stupid move. Leaving a girl here all on her own in a freaking hospital! the voice said.

That doesn't sound half bad.

Just don't leave her... That'd be pretty stupid of you if you do. the voice said. And this time, it was right.

I sighed and was about to go inside her room when the elevator door opened and revealed Catherine who was looking very worried.

"Where is she?" she asked, approaching me.

"Room 215. The doctor said she just had a high fever. But she'll be okay in just about a few days." I explained when Catherine started pacing.

She wasn't breathing.

"Hey," I placed my hands on her shoulders and she let out a shaky breath. "Try breathing for once. She'll be alright." I said chuckling.

She let out the breath she was holding and sighed. "Thank you, Landon," she said.

"Anytime, Cathy," I said with a smile. She kissed my cheeks before going inside her daughter's room.

Okay... now that she has her mother, I am free. I told myself. I just need to go to Blake's house and murder him.

Before I could head to Blake's house my phone rang.

Dad, it read.


"HQ, now."

~ o ~


I woke up this time in the hospital. Wonder how I know that? Easy. Everything was white. And not to mention there was a smell of medicine that you can never miss. And alcohol (and I mean the one for your hands not for your lips).

And my mother was there too. Guess it must've been pretty serious since she was looking very worried even when half asleep.

She looked up when she saw me awake. "Hey, you're awake."

"Yeah... Uh... How did I get here?" I asked, bewildered.

"It doesn't matter. You just focus on resting, okay?" she said, softly it was hard to say no.


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