Chapter Eight

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We walked quietly and entered the abandoned building with our guns out and ready.

We heard some hushed voices as if they were talking in secret. I looked at Landon. He was already loading his gun.

I was about to take a peek when someone grabbed me from behind and held me back.

"What are you doing? You could get caught." Landon hissed.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I just wanna see how many people we're up against," I whispered.

"And then what? What exactly is your plan?" he challenged.

I groaned inwardly. "This is why I hate having partners on a mission," I muttered and advanced.

Landon kept calling for me to come back but it was too late. They already saw me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yup. I definitely knew the villain.

"Looking for unicorns. What do you think?" I snapped.

He and his boys looked terrified. Well, they should be. I placed him in prison once. But the real question is...

How did he get out?

There were three of them. One had orange hair, the other had blond hair and the last one (the person whom I placed in prison once) had black hair. They were around a table playing go-fish and were currently mumbling about how they made that Blaire girl getaway.

"Look, whatever you think we did... we didn't do it." Lucas (the black-haired dude) said, holding his hands up in defense.

"Really? Then would you care to elaborate why you were talking about that girl, Blaire, just earlier?" I demanded.

"Look, we can explain..." he wasn't able to say a thing because a shot was fired and it hit the wall.

The three boys yelped and looked behind my shoulder. I already knew who it was before I actually laid my eyes on him.

I turned around to meet Landon holding out his gun, one finger pressing the trigger. "Your aiming is bull." I deadpanned.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" he snapped.

"What? I was just getting the job done!" I yelled back.

"Yes, by risking your life!" he yelled.

"What risking my life? These goons can't even hold a gun even if their life depended on it... Literally." I snapped.

"But still! I am your partner and I still get to have a say on what happens on these missions," he demanded his eyes looking dead serious.

"I didn't ask you to be my partner."

Good, come back, Chris.

"Well then you're going to have to live with it!" he said, more like he yelled. "I know you hate it too because trust me, I don't want to do this either. I'd rather fly solo," he added.

"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend," I muttered.

"But my father and your mother are trying something ridiculous and until I find out what it is, I'm just going to have to do this. Even if it's against my will," he said through gritted teeth.

I haven't anticipated the proximity of the space between us not until his breath was now fanning my face and we were both out of breath from all the yelling. We were both currently glaring at each other until someone cleared his throat and we both jumped and stepped away from each other as far as possible.

I cleared my throat and looked back at the goon leader. "You were saying?"

"Someone ordered us. But then we let the girl get away so now, he's finding a way to get the girl back." the goon leader said.

"Who is?" Landon asked.

"This guy calls himself The Master." goon number two (ginger-haired boy) said.

I snorted.

Landon shot me a glare before turning back to them. "What did they want with her?" he asked.

"Said something about her father or something." Surprisingly, goon number three (blondie) had a British accent.

"What's Blaire's background?" I asked, turning to Landon.

He looked surprised at my question. "What? What background?"

"You mean you didn't I.D. her before you let her into my house? What the hell is the matter with you? For all we know, she could've been the suspect!" I snapped.

"Hey, Blaire is a childhood friend. I trust her," he said.

"Oh, really? When was the last time you two spoke to each other?" I challenged.

"Do you guys always fight with each other when you on a mission?" the goon leader wondered aloud.

Landon and I turned our heads to glare at him. The goon leader squirmed.

"We are not partners." Landon snapped.

"And this is my mission," I growled.

Landon glared at me. "No, this is my mission." he snapped back at me.

"Ha, in your dreams, jerk face." I countered back.

We glared at each other for a few seconds before the goon leader cleared his throat again.

I was silently thanking (more like cursing) him because if it wasn't for him, I'd be stabbing Landon by now.

"Okay, I've had enough of this," I muttered. "You guys are going to prison and you are going to start talking there. And if you have proven yourself worthy of not going back to prison then you are not going to prison. But if you lie and not tell us the truth, I will kill you myself. You got me?" I demanded.

The three of them nodded quickly.

"Good," I said, sternly.

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