iii. seven deadly sins: greed.

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chapter three, seven deadly sins: greed.
( three days before jeon jungkook's murder. )

the life of fame was not unheard of when it came to jeon jungkook, especially considering it had began long before he had even graduated from high school

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the life of fame was not unheard of when it came to jeon jungkook, especially considering it had began long before he had even graduated from high school. appearing on plenty of well known commercials, finding himself in a few short characters for korean dramas that left women of all ages swooning over; it all came to easy for him. keeping his grades steady A's and drowning in the life in front of studio lights and a camera, he began to find his heart in singing. it wasn't long until he was posting his voice to be heard worldwide, reading thousands of comments repeating the same foolish compliments he had already heard at least once before.

he was offered a singing career, to sign away the next ten years to a company with no promise of achieving what he wanted to pursue, but he did it anyways. black ink read his name back to him in thin cursive, a sigh of relief exhaling from his body as he shook hands with the man who recruited him. there were plenty of things he didn't think about before carving his name into the blank space, one of them being the few friends he had back at school.

it was junior year by the time he had got caught up in singing lessons, dance rehearsals, and piano instruction, not to forget he was also balancing the acting career on top of it all while still keeping an overall gpa of 3.8. he had no time for friends, every offer to hang out with them always followed with an excuse as to why he was too busy to even think about spending time with such events. it crushed him, he could feel the guilt eat him alive, leaving his empty stomach raw as he watched them reply with, "whatever," and walk away from him.

he knew it was bad when they had rounded him up in a corner of the hallway, yelling such distasteful words that it quite honestly left jungkook confused. "what are you, too good for us now?" they shouted over and over again causing him to cover his ears. it was one of the worst days of his life, feeling the people he once consider friends spit hit the side of his face before they stomped away with a look on their face as if they had just conquered the world.

stone cold, jungkook continued with his career, becoming one of the most famous korean stars they had seen in the twenty-first century. he was always spotted alone during award shows or special events, only making friendly suggestions to others if they came up to him. some people found it odd, how unsociable he was, but considering he never spoke of the incident that had happened to him in his past, they had every right to think so.

on top of everything else he was known for, he loved to use up girls when he knew he had them wrapped around his finger. it was as easy as looking over on the subway and smiling at the stranger sitting across from him and he would already have her in his contacts by the time he had departed from the scene. it was an ugly habit of his, taking these young girls and intertwining his body with theirs until he was satisfied.

it went left unseen until one nineteen year old stepped forward, spreading the allegation that he had raped her. it was at one of those huge parties, one she had found herself sneaked into, and they drank more than they could handle. he claimed that no incident would ever happen and it would've been left there if she hadn't ended up pregnant. he agreed to pay forward for the paternity test just to justify himself, but it only came out that it was his.

october twentieth, he did an interview. the masked figure sat back on his couch, slouched, watching intimidatingly as he listened to the man's every word. "how do i feel about the situation? well, first of all, it's all bullshit whether she wants to admit it or not," the killer switched eye to eye, looking for any emotion behind the dark brown, "besides, i wouldn't waste my time raping a pig even if i was paid to," the man stood up tall from the sofa, shaking his head softly, "you know what i'm saying?" jungkook laughed through the speakers of the television before a commercial interrupted the scene.

"Psalm, 9:17," the man grabbed the remote from the coffee table, rewinding it and pausing it on the rapers face who smiled brightly, "the wicked will return to Sheol," he continued to whisper to himself, staring intently at the image in front of him, "even all the nations who forget God."

it wasn't until the twenty-second of october that candles and flowers began wilting at jungkook's empty grave.

who did it?
bit of a rough chapter,
but bare with me. )

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