viii. more than just numbers.

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chapter eight, more than just numbers.
( the beginning of the daegusix. )

boys in black leather surrounded the innocent high schooler behind the familiar run down bar, the alley way only lit up by a red neon light reading open

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boys in black leather surrounded the innocent high schooler behind the familiar run down bar, the alley way only lit up by a red neon light reading open. the young boy's breathing became heavy as his eyebrows didn't hesitate to stitch together, confused on how he could end up in such a situation. he watched as the shorter one of them all, his mint green hair reflecting poorly with the crimson light hanging behind him, rubbed his thumb against the gritted metal, waiting for a flame to spark to burn the cigarette between his teeth to ashes. he sighed, his shoulders relaxing as he inhaled the poison of smoke into his lungs, tapping the end of it as his hand reached his hip. his head hung low, but his eye contact with the well known individual never disconnected.

"you got two options," his tongue glided against his front teeth, acting as if he had somewhere else to be other than wasting his time on someone worthless to him, "you can comply, do what i and my people say, which is the easy way, or," he took another drag, finding power in the way the boy's eyes raced back and forth, "the person that will die tonight will be you and you wouldn't want us to waste a precious bullet on that thick skull you got there or, oh boy, would that not make me very happy," he stifled a chuckle, one that made the victim's stomach uneasy, the one cornered in the back of this nightmare. "my name is yoongi, min yoongi, the leader of the well known gang daegusix, you've probably already knew that, like how i already know who you are, so don't even waste your breath trying to tell me," this time he took a longer drag, the man behind him gripping harder to the baseball bat he held in his hands as the bright orange ring around the end of the almost gone addiction singed. yoongi watched the smoke rise, wisp in the wind of the rather chilly night, before throwing the bud to the cement. "kim taehyung, freshly eighteen, ready to conquer the world that lays in the soles of his feet," yoongi's teeth cemented together as he stepped closer to the boy who's cheeks flushed red, "on three different medications for anger issues he can't control, lost his daddy in the war, and can't find respect for anyone even if he knew where to find it," his cheek bubbled out as he pushed his tongue against the interior of the cushion, swallowing harshly as he squinted his eyes, "you're lucky, you know, that you found me in a good mood because really, i am a nice person, it just depends on what you hear from certain people to think otherwise."

taehyung's throat clogged with words he couldn't speak, finding himself afraid for the first time in his life to even move as four men stared back at him while their leader paced back and forth. his heart thumped so loudly, he swore everyone in the city could hear it, scared of the earthquake that could be caused with the rage beginning to burn at his fingertips. "now," yoongi's head snapped towards him, his walking coming to a complete halt, "i'd be lying if i said i hadn't been watching you the last couple of weeks, analyzing every move you made. i've been searching for a right hand man and you seem to have the perfect résumé," his sharp smile made taehyung's teeth grit against one another, "the only thing missing is how well you are when it comes to being the reason someone's life ends," taehyung's breathing stopped, the thought of murdering a stranger caused the lump in his throat to drop to the void in his stomach, "aw, don't tell me you can't do it," yoongi grabbed taehyung's face with his hand, pinching his cheeks so his lips pushed forward, "you got so close to doing it to your own mother, holding the gun up to her like that while she slept, honestly i should've called the cops after i saw that," yoongi pushed taehyung back into the brick wall, laughing as if he told the most funniest joke no one's ever heard of. his body flew forward, his palms pressing to his knees as the laughter grew louder. suddenly, his head snapped up, his face emotionless. "so, are you ready for the challenge or are you gonna make me show you just how mean i can really be?"

a harsh gulp bobbed taehyung's adams apple, his bottom lip being tucked under his teeth as his mind ran blink. no words poured from anywhere, but the familiar feeling of anger boiling in the back of his throat began to grow as yoongi's hands were placed on his shoulders. "what, gotta make the twat angry? huh? push you around and make you think you're all tough with a few swings to the face?" yoongi launched him backwards, taehyung stumbling over his own feet as he was attacked off guard. "come on, i know you're not mute, i've heard you scream louder than thunder can roar. i listened to it as you threw your mother across the kitchen floor, shouting about how the poor baby couldn't get what he wanted. what a fuck you are, worthless piece of shit," yoongi's fist swung for taehyung's rib cage, watching as he tumbled over. his breathing picked up it's pace, growling as yoongi kicked him while he was down. his mouth scrunched up, his cheeks puffing up as his eyes turned the same color as the sign behind him. unwrapping his arm from his stomach, he waited as yoongi went to punch him again. he took a grip of his white knuckled fist, going to swing with his free hand. the only thing stopping him from blacking yoongi out was the click of the gun that was now pressed to the temple of his head. yoongi shook his head, "just like i thought," his teeth slightly were shown as he grinned, "you're always the one holding the gun, ever been the one staring down the barrel?" yoongi backed away, waving the firearm in an upwards motion to advise taehyung that it would be in his best interest to get up.

"851212 919 85185," he muttered, saying it over three times with his voice only gaining louder. taehyung blinked at a fast pace, trying to calm himself down as the gun rested at yoongi's thigh, "851212 919 85185, you will repeat this number moments before you kill the target tonight, you hear me?" he demanded, tilting his head to the side as taehyung analyzed the taller men that stood behind him, "what are they?" taehyung's attention immediately went back to the man that held what could be the reason of his death tonight. he shook his head only slightly, trying to remember the numbers as best he could, "what are the numbers?" yoongi rose the gun back up, watching taehyung's eyes cross as his eyebrows furrowed in fear.

"851212 81-" yoongi began to scream, closing the space between them as taehyung screwed up the simple instructions, "851212 919 85185, how hard is it to fucking remember? what are they?" taehyung's nose began to run as tears blurred his vision. nothing less than mumbles fell from his lips, trembling in fear as the end of the firearm was pressed against his forehead once again, "i'm going to ask you one more time," yoongi's index finger curled around the trigger, "what are the numbers?" taehyung didn't breathe as he repeated the saying, this time perfectly, carving it into his head before he was could be shot dead, "good," yoongi smiled lazily, removing the gun away from taehyung, "i knew you weren't that much of a dumbass," a black van pulled up, blocking the entrance of the alleyway. yoongi whispered something under his breath, a word taehyung could not catch before the small figured man stood inches before him, "now, we're not gonna be that stupid for the rest of the night, are we?" taehyung shook his head vigorously, losing eye contact for only seconds as the group of men began to walk to the vehicle. "good because i really, really don't want to waste my time tying you up and beating you till you're almost dead and then demanding you to kill someone even though i'm going to kill you afterwards because then you're useless and yadayadayada, you know?" the fear read almost as clear as yoongi's manipulative, sadistic ways of thinking as the sentence was spilled out faster than taehyung could comprehend.

"so get in the car, we're going on a little family road trip," yoongi pressed the gun to the back of taehyung's throat, leading him to the car. it only took seconds before he was grabbed by the other men and thrown into the seat where he would soon be sandwiched by two members of the gang and watched closely by the other two. "we're going to be late and then you're gonna blame me for fucking up the plan," a man hidden behind box framed glasses looked up into the mirror, shouting out to yoongi who ran around to the car to get into the passenger's side. "shut the fuck up and drive before i scalp the pink hair of yours and frame it above my fireplace," the man shook his head, locking the doors of the van before driving off.

taehyung still stuck on how he ended up like this.

who did it?
( also figure out what the hell
these numbers mean and you'll
be given bonus points. )

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