v. church bells.

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chapter five, church bells.
( two days before the murder of jeon jungkook. )

the cigarette between his teeth bobbed up and down as his hands searched for the lighter he had thrown into his sweater's pocket earlier

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the cigarette between his teeth bobbed up and down as his hands searched for the lighter he had thrown into his sweater's pocket earlier. his hair moved slightly with the wind as he leaned his back against the wall of the church that stood behind him. digging his fingers into the back pocket of his jeans, he had finally found what he had been looking for. he exhaled softly, covering the slow killer with one palm and starting a flame with the other. it took the matter of only seconds to light the tip, concluding with taehyung inhaling as he pushed the lighter back from where he had got it.

he watched as cars with strangers faces passed by, ignoring his looks as he examined their side profiles as fast as he could. zero emotion was expressed as he blew out the smoke only to build it up more a minute after. growing bored of the analyzing, he threw his head back gently. focusing on one cloud and realizing just how fast they can actually move when you pay attention to them. it wasn't long before the bells above him began to ring, signifying that it was time to recite the Lord's Prayer. taehyung closed his eyes, taking in one long lasting drag and feeling the nicotine fill him before tilting his head back up and throwing the half wasted bud to the ground.

he removed his hood as he walked in, the warmth of the building engulfing his cold veins as the door closed behind him. only a few people sat with their heads bowed and some lined up for confessions, but other than that the church fell empty. taehyung pressed his tongue to the side of his cheek as he placed his hands inside his sweatshirt's pocket, easily finding a seat in the second row to the right. he stared up at the statue before him, confused on how almost more than eighty percent of this population believed in the shit that a book tells them.

he stifles a laugh as the thought proceeds to grow in his head. it was such a joke, there was no man who died for our sins, there was no resurrection, there is no heaven. it's just something someone came up with so people weren't so afraid to die and live in eternal darkness. but taehyung wasn't here to waste time and with his hand wrapped around the firearm that sat still in his pocket, he closed his eyes and bowed his head. "O' Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit," mockery was stuck in his voice as he continued, "forgive me for i have sinned."

taehyung lifted his head, a small smirk implanted on his lips. he swung his legs up on to the bench, looking at the people who sat behind him. he set his head to the side as he counted. one, two, three, four. the voice in his head faded as he saw a woman caress her stomach that looked awfully bloated. "five and a half," he whispered to himself, his eyes dragging to the victims sitting the the left of him, counting almost the same amount.

his hand became white knuckled as the grip tightened around the handgun, knowing surely he didn't have enough bullets to blow everyone's brain out, but enough to do quite some damage. his attention was drawn to the confessions as the door swung open and a woman in tears walked out. his grasp loosened as she continued out the door, her sobbing growing louder as the door shut close once again. he squinted his eyes, catching the attention of one dude who sat tall on the opposite side of him in the way back. taehyung could on read out the mess of pink he had on top of his head, but details were left unknown all thanks to his bad vision.

his eyebrows furrowed as the man never lost eye contact with him. his body grew longer as he stood up, moving his way out from between the benches and out to the middle of the walk way. the once loosened grip was now tight again for the man continued to get closer, taking his sweet time with each step. taehyung slung his head down, his eyes filled with joy more than confusion. the gun slowly was making it's way out of being hidden, the end of the handle in plain view. just a few more steps, taehyung thought, ready to pull the trigger and watch as bodies drop.

he loved watching the people around him, ever since he was little he would imagine what they would be like lifeless. for one minute, they are smiling and the light in their eyes are unattainable, and the next their heart is no longer beating hard against it's cage and they slowly are enveloped into a darkness that unfortunately came too soon for them. it was a strange fantasy of his that he never talked of. that is until he met min yoongi.

the churches doors blasted open as the stranger with peach hair was only a bench away from being lifeless. taehyung only turned his head to find his boss, "kim taehyung, come," yoongi's voice shouted, "now!" taehyung didn't hesitate as his voice echoed against the stain glass. he pressed the firearm to his stomach, bumping shoulders and glaring at the man before jogging out of the building.

"what the fuck man?" taehyung expressed his disappoint as he flew his hands in the air, "i was about to do it, oh my god," he shouted out in pleasure, "i was about to fuck them all up!" the tone in his voice matched the bounciness that shot from his feet. he felt the gun move in his pocket, the cold metal hitting the lower of his ribs as he continued to jump up and down. yoongi sighed annoyingly, grabbing taehyung's shoulders and pressing him to the ground.

"first of all, keep your god damn voice down, and second of all, we have something better to take care of than to waste your bullets on these cocksuckers," taehyung pulled away from yoongi's grip, his eyebrows stitched together as his hands formed into fists in his pockets. "no, no," taehyung continued, "i'm not doing jack shit for you, we didn't agree to being partners, just friends. i'm going to do what i want and you're going to what you want, but never together and never, ever behind each other's backs. i told you i was going to do this yesterday morning and now you're pulling this shit, fuck off yoongi."

taehyung went to walk away, but yoongi took a hold of his shoulder and spun him around. "are you serious? do you know who the fuck you are talking to right now? you didn't even give me a chance to tell you what i have up my sleeve that's a lot more exciting than shooting up a shit hole of a church," taehyung felt the warmth of yoongi's breath on his face as he pulled him closer to his face with the grasp of his shirt.

taehyung smiled, "just remember who the one is that is holding the gun right now," yoongi began to laugh shortly after he had finished his statement. "a man never leaves his house without a loaded weapon, especially min yoongi," he gritted his teeth as taehyung's smile dropped, "now, don't make me regret this. you either get in this car with me and we file out with the plan or your whole world comes to a complete halt."

taehyung looked at yoongi then to the black car that was parked behind him. making eye contact again, he shrugged the hold of yoongi off. pulling up his hood, he licked his lips, "is this what i think it is?" taehyung asked coldly, looking at yoongi with some fear built within him for the first time in a long time. with the silence that stayed still between the two of them, taehyung sighed.

"what's one less person on the face of the earth, anyways?"

who did it?
( if you can tell me who
tae is quoting, you get
bonus points. )

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