vi. cutting ear to ear.

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chapter six, cutting ear to ear.
( the night of park jimin's disappearance )

the shades continued to block the light from pouring into the messy room obnoxiously, even with the curtain crooked, while namjoon glared at the old, box style television in front of him

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the shades continued to block the light from pouring into the messy room obnoxiously, even with the curtain crooked, while namjoon glared at the old, box style television in front of him. every channel he turned to left him hopeless as the actor, jeon jungkook, was still being remembered. the number three hundred and thirty-three blinked on the screen, the last chance for him to find any entertainment value. his eyes rolled backwards as a ladies voice came through the rough speakers, "police are still on the hunt for any suspects. if you have any information, please contact your local police department."

his index finger pressed down on the red button that sat on the corner of the remote. a yawn followed as he got up from the couch that had seen better days, the metal barely clicking together as he pushed the footrest back in with his calves. he watched as empty soda cans and boxes from microwave dinners crushed under the balls of his feet, making almost a uninteresting song on the way to the kitchen. the dissatisfaction on his face read clear the second he turned into the next room. the counter piled with nothing less than trash, old food, and dirty pans. 

his teeth began to chew on the side of his cheek as if it was taffy, rounding his body to make sure he didn't step in anything that would leave a nauseating feeling to erupt within him. he leaned one palm on the side of his fridge, opening the freezer with the other. "yes," he whispered, almost inaudible to himself, as he reached for the last popsicle that laid frostbitten. his body finally relaxed as he straightened his back, dangling the object by his thigh as he opened the front door. 

"namjoon, sweetie?" an annoyed sigh left his chapped lips as his mother's voice echoed through the small house, "where are you going?" he didn't even bother to turn around before answering, "out." the roughness in his voice was hope that she would hear and leave him alone, but she only continued to respond, "would you mind picking me up a gram?" he bowed his head while her words repeated themselves within his thought process. "do you mind telling me where the fuck i'm going to get the money for that?" without hesitation, he swung the door open and slammed it shut behind him. the anger bubbled under his skin as he continued to slip on the shoes that were torn from his pinky toe to mid-foot. 

pinching the sides of the white wrapper, he pulled open his late lunch. purple, the ice flavor of grape staring back up at him. "of course," he muttered to himself, trying to deny the fact that this was his least favorite of all the colors. his stomach knotted, grinding air in order for him to realize just how hungry his body truly was, leaving him with no option other than to eat the frozen snack. 

he peeked his eyes out from under his hat, looking out the door that would lead him to the outside world. the sun shined behind grey clouds signifying the downpour was coming sooner than the news report had submitted. namjoon's hand touched the cold doorknob, twisting it until it unhooked itself from the wall that was falling apart. opening the door towards him, a bright red piece of paper came into view, another eviction notice

his eyebrow cocked up in mockery as he tore it from the window, crumbling up in his hand and throwing it back on the porch where three other's stayed in the same condition. the wind blared, the chimes outside bashing against each other in a way that made namjoon grit his teeth. shaking his head side to side before rubbing his left eye, he made his way down to the casual bar that had an uninviting feel to it due to who actually went there. it was a bit run down and it was known for the murder that took place in the apartment above, but it was cheap beer and okay quality food. namjoon couldn't be picky with the ten dollars that stayed folded in his pocket anyways and with how loud his stomach argued for him to eat something other than flavored ice, he couldn't find a better conclusion. the only downside of it all was how long of a walk it was. twenty minutes didn't seem that bad, but when you lived in a neighborhood known for being sketchy, he felt a bit more intimidated. with a wrong turn or a bad time, he could be someone's next victim, just like jeon jungkook. 

the familiar bell rung above him, indicating that he had finally arrived to his destination. no one bothered to look at who it was which gave namjoon some comfort for he was okay with being invisible. he sat down at the bar, which was fairly full, next to a man with mint green hair. his leather jacket hung loose on his shoulders as he watched the news from the screen above them. namjoon's attention was dragged away from the smaller man when bobae sighed over exaggeratedly while walking out from the back of the bar. as soon as she made eye contact with namjoon, she had realized tonight just wasn't her night.

"one regular, please," she tilted her head as she pressed his palms against the bar. he shyly smiled, hoping she would let him get away with this action once more. "how are you going to pay?" she questioned, her eyes reading nothing less than tired. "add it to my tab," namjoon replied, the man with green hair taking a sip of his beverage out of the corner of his eye. "which one out of the other five tabs you haven't paid for yet?" she straightened herself out, fixing her apron as she walked to the other side of the bar to pick up dirty glasses. 

"listen, i only have enough to feed myself today," namjoon pleaded with her even when she kept her back facing him, "please, this will be the last of it," she paused, the faucet turning off as she turned to him. she exhaled softly, her head still bowed down as her nails dug into the chipped wood. "namjoon," she rose her head just enough to connect her eyes with his, "i can't afford to keep doing this," before she could continue, the man sitting beside him slammed his hand down on the counter in a rude way of intruding the conversation. 

"i got it," he slid his hand over to the woman, lifting it up to reveal a twenty under his palm. he kept his eyes on the television, gulping his drink quietly as she pressed her tongue to the side of her cheek. namjoon stitched his eyebrows in confusion, but not being able to ask any questions as the back door swung open and a young boy appeared, gripping his arm with a wad of paper towels. the man's head sitting next to him turned as well as the door echoed the loud slam of it shutting close. the boy's eyes scanned the newscaster, his mouth slightly open in a state of disbelief. the man got up, slinging his arm on to the boy's shoulder. namjoon was too far to hear the conversation, but he could tell something was wrong when the strange boy made eye contact with him.

the boy replied to the mint green hair and with the body language that read afterwards, namjoon knew nothing was going right over there. the woman placed namjoon's drink on the counter, but the glass hitting the wood didn't make him look away from the confrontation happening only a few feet away. when the boy began to walk away and the man turned, namjoon turned his head drastically fast. his shaky hand gripped around the wide glass as the bar moved while the man sat down infuriated. namjoon watched out of the corner of his eyes as the green dye moved due to the man's hand running his hand through the greasiness of the strands. a tracfone pressed against the man's ear, the ringing quiet to the stranger who sat next to him. in only minutes, the phone was thrown to the side of him as the man growled under his breath. 

his body turned to him, "hey, you want to help me with something?" namjoon turned his head, the only emotion reading from his face was absolute confusion. "dude, i don't even know who you are," he replied with hesitation. "i'm min yoongi, it's nice to meet you," his words faded, waiting for the pink hair man to fill in the blank. 

"nam," he swallowed roughly, "namjoon," yoongi nodded his head, throwing his hand in the air. "well would you look at that, we're like best friends now," the mocked enthusiasm made namjoon tense up, "now what do you say?" namjoon shrugged his shoulders, his grip on the beer tightening as the situation became more interesting. "what is it?"

all yoongi did was smirk before grabbing namjoon's arm and rushing him out of the restaurant, hours before park jimin was found crucified.

who did it?
( filler chaps bore the shit out
of me, but i hope this still
entertained ya'll )

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