Here we go, the first five Pokémon as weapons are done!
First up, we have Chickorita, as a sword.
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For this one I took the lead on top of its head and turned it into an ornamental arch that becomes the hilt. I also added the spikes on its neck to the hilt. The red wrapping on the hilt is the color of Chickorita's eyes. Also, it's a play on words, a literal leaf blade.
Here we see Taillow and Swellow, turned into a scythe.
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One extended wing became the blade, while the folded wing acts as a decoration and is sharpened on the outside edge to act as defense on the other size. The grips are patterned after the feathers. The blade is about 2.5 feet long and the staff is 5-5.5 feet, I haven't quite decided. I chose a scythe because they are quick weapons that slice through the air like Swellow and Taillow.
For Sneasel, we have a dagger.
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The blade is made of black metal, tipped with silver to represent Sneasel's claws. The amber gems on its Che's and head added decoration to the hilt and the tail became decoration as well. I chose a dagger to represent Sneasel's sneaky nature and its dark typing.
Here we have SheDaGecko23 's request, Litten as a Shuriken.
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I shaped the blades like cat ears and tried to incorporate all of Litten's colors. The plus sign on the muffle represents Torricat's bell.
Last but not least is Saylaway 's request, Poochyena. I went with a spear for it.
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The tip of the spear is its fangs and I used the fur to add decoration. The grips are in the color palette of Poochyena's eyes. I chose a spear because it reminded me of a barbarian of ancient spear, adorned with wolf fur and tipped with wolf teeth.
I hope you enjoyed, and feel free to leave more requests!!