So I found this Hamilton tag, and of course I HAVE to do it!!!
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1) How I Found It? My amazing friend ShedaGecko forced me to listen, and I never looked back!!!
2) Favorite Character? John Laurens or Lafayette for sure!! They're both interesting both in show and historically!!
3) Who Would I Want To Play? Either Laurens/Philip or Angelica
4) Favorite Song To Listen To? It depends on my mood and which song is stuck in my head. Wait For It and Guns and Ships are both pretty good best tho!!
5) Favorite Song To Sing Along? Guns and Ships, Wait For It, Election of 1800, What'd I Miss, and Blow Us All Away. Also Quiet Uptown. And Sheda and I like to act out/sing Non-stop and Aaron Burr, Sir (I'm Alexander/Lafayette and they're Burr/Herc/John/etc. and we both sing the chorus)
6) Part I Always Mess Up When I Sing Along? Most of Farmer Refuted. Trying to sing two roles at the same time when they overlap is HARD!!
7) Can I Rap Guns and Ships? Yes. Yes I can.
8) Which Cast Member Would You Most Want To Meet? Lin or Anthony. Lin is amazing at writing and his freestyle rapping, he has inspired a lot of my poetry and I really admire his general bubbly personality and all his charity work and stuff. But Anthony seems like such a sweet guy and he plays my favorite character, so it would be so cool to meet him too.
9) Have I Seen The Show? No... but it's going to be near me next year, and I ALMOST have enough for a ticket. Sadly, I shall never see the original cast perform it unless there's a recording of the show that gets released :(
10) I have the book it's based on on hold at the library. If there's another boom I don't know about, I MUST FIND IT!!!
11) I have several: "Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep living anyway", "You've married an Icarus, he has flown to close to the sun.", "Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away", "Turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits!!", and "Whatever you heard, Jefferson started it!!" Among others.
12)Five Words To Describe The Show? From the clips I've seen: Beautiful, funny, tragic, masterful, amazing