Writing Hiatus

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Hey everyone, I'm going to be on a writing hiatus of unknown length. I'll still be active in terms of reading and commenting, but don't really expect writing or art.
I'm kinda struggling right now, with a lot of stress and just feeling down. I have a great self-image right now, I'm feeling great about how I look and how I'm seen, I got a haircut and have actually been called by all three pronouns in one day, but other stuff is hitting me hard emotionally, even small stuff.
I literally broke down in tears yesterday when I remembered that my favorite fanfic author of all time, a Hetalia author named George DeValier, author of Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart, hasn't updated his unfinished stories is four or five years, and that he may never finish them.
That made me CRY. And I don't cry of sadness often. I can't really remember the last time I was sad enough that I actually CRIED, only times I've been mad. I'm still feeling down just from that, and it was two days ago.
Stuff still makes me happy. Heck, this's why I started my positivity tag. It's just that my default mood seems to be sad or apathetic now. I get socially drained more quickly and with less warning, and I have started actively seeking out sad fanfiction, something I usually don't do.
So please understand.
And ShedaGecko , don't take it personally I haven't texted you about this or anything. It's been so gradual I had hardly realized it until I broke down over the author. I'm still trying to sort stuff out, so you just existing and knowing you're there is enough. You may not be my romantic soulmate, but I'm sure you're my platonic one.
And don't worry, I'm not in any kind of physical danger from myself or others. Like I said, I'm honestly feeling great about my self-image. And I'll still be around, just not writing.
Thank you everyone.

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