Help? Update

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If ya want to skip this go ahead, I'm not gonna make you read about my life as an awkward bean with a crush on another awkward bean XD

Well, I texted them this text:

Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I've liked you for a really long time. It's fine if you don't feel the same, I'm perfectly happy with just staying a friend, but I decided to tell you on the tiny chance you might feel the same way. I don't want anything to change between us if you don't feel the same way, and I promise I'll do everything I can to keep anything from being awkward or weirder than normal. I won't act any differently, or anything. I just really needed to tell you.

They read it two and a half hours ago and have yet to respond. I mainly am worried because I'm hiking with him and his family tomorrow and having a sleepover at their house with a few other people the next day and I have LITERALLY NO IDEA HOW HE WANTS ME TO ACT? SHOULD I ACT THE SAME? GIVE HIM SPACE? ACT AFFECTIONATE AND STUFF? I'm not a psychic dude :/
Oh well, who knows. Honestly as long as he's willing to stay friends I'm fine with whatever. I mean obviously him liking me back is the desired outcome but he's great as just a friend too :3

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