17 | Walk This Earth with You

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Even though Aurora had agreed with him to get back to wiping out Raider and Gunner camps, MacCready felt that she wasn't so sure she wanted to. So they returned to Goodneighbor and since Duncan's room was complete, they were able to relax and she had the freedom to think. After a few days—and some steamy nights—she decided they needed to get back to work.

This camp of Raiders they cleared out didn't pose much of a challenge. MacCready enjoyed being on the open road with a loaded weapon the best, and Aurora being with him made it so much better. He thought being a sharpshooter was all he needed, but Aurora fulfilled that hole that sniping couldn't cover. He thought about the woman beside him as they headed back to Goodneighbor.

She was right: killing Raiders and Gunners was what she did best. It wasn't the act of killing bad people that invigorated her; she saw it as protecting the people of the Commonwealth. She willingly endangered herself for those that couldn't protect themselves. Aurora was so selfless and admirable for that.

But once Duncan got there, their dangerous lifestyles would have to stop... at least for a little while until he grew up. They couldn't risk something happening to them and leaving Duncan on his own. And, honestly, MacCready couldn't bear to see her hurt again. Maybe he could convince her to give up this lifestyle... As soon as Duncan came into their lives and she became a mother again, maybe she would agree with him on stopping.

And what a mother she would be. He smiled. MacCready had no doubts whatsoever that Aurora would fail at that role. She would become the mother-image Duncan was robbed of and so desperately needed.

Listen to him planning out the future like they were husband and wife... Well, why aren't they?

The thought gave him pause.

He never thought another woman could come into his life after Lucy. MacCready had his one shot at love and lost it, he didn't think he could ever get it again. Then Aurora came into his life and changed it and him. He loved her and she loved him—all of him; what he has done, his temperament, how he cynically views things; everything.

What karma did he cash to get her? He needed Aurora by his side, at all times—physically, in his heart and mind, and in front of others. Only one bond showed the world that they were bound togeth—

"Marry me," he blurted.

Aurora continued ahead of him until she realized he had spoken; she stopped and turned. "What?"

He took a big sigh. "Will you marry me? I don't have a ring to give you or even much of a home or life to provide—I don't know what kind of future a man like me can give you since I'm just a hired killer and—"

Her lips on his cut off his nervous ramblings. The sudden kiss took him aback for a second before he returned the kiss eagerly; he hoped he didn't misinterpret the action.

Aurora leaned back. "None of those things matter; I just want you." She ran a hand through his hair as she gave him the biggest smile he had ever seen. "Of course I will marry you."

MacCready smiled himself before his lips latched onto hers again; he was so relieved to hear her answer. He picked her up and spun her around, making her laugh. She would laugh for him now, only him.

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