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March 3, 2010.

You know, I'm still sending these letters to you in hope that you'll be reading them in your bed at the hospital because I know that they can, they will surely help you.

Today I have something else to share with you, maybe a part of my life? You know, I used to care about what others could think or say about me. I used to think that the eyes that would look at me would see something that I, myself couldn't see about my own self. But after I let this Jesus I'm telling you about enter my life, everything changed. I learned to please no one else but only Him. Because you know what? After so many years of living with Him, I learned something that I'm about to share with you.

« Jesus does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance and judge you directly, but the Lord Jesus Christ, looks at the things that are deep and hidden, He looks at the heart. »

1 Samuel 16:7

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