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Shellah |Josiah

         Shellah entered the hospital room, closing the door shut behind her. As she turned her attention back to the man dressed in light blue and laying in his bed, while observing her movements, she smiled at him.

          "Hello Josiah." She almost whispered.

          Josiah looked at her, the way she was smiling brightly. The way she looked happy. The way she looked alive, because even though he wasn't dead yet, he felt like he already was. Breathing slowly, he closed his eyes shut at the pain that burned his chest at his movements.


          Walking closer to his bed, she sat down slowly, asking for permission with her eyes and receiving a cold, distant smile.

          "How are you feeling?" She asked again.

          "I think you already know." His green eyes met hers. "I feel dead. Yes, that's how I feel." He smiled sadly.

          Without another thought she grabbed his hand, surprising him. "No, don't say that... If you told me to come here it is because you have something in you telling you that you don't have to give up, not right now. Hope is still there, I can feel it."

          She was cut off, when he decided to speak up again.

          "But I'm dying tomorrow! I'm leaving a wife who doesn't want to see me in this condition, I'm leaving a daughter who's just three and still believes that I'm somewhere in the world travelling when in reality I'm just going to an unknown place away from her forever!"

          A tear fell down his cheek.

          "And you're here. You have been here since the first day I saw you. You've been sending me letters about this man who you think can save me! But why would He do that? I don't even deserve it!"

         Bringing her trembling finger to wipe his tears, she whispered:

          "Because in my favorite book It says in the book of Isaiah chapter 53 verse five that: he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

          "What does that mean anyway?"
          His voice broke at the end of his words.

          "That means that you are already healed! It is written. You were already healed the day Jesus died upon the cross!"

          He looked at her as if she was crazy.

          "But I'm still sick." He whispered, his brows furrowed in confusion.

          "Listen Brother Josiah, do you believe that Jesus is capable of healing you?" She asked, her eyes never leaving his.

          Without hesitation, he nodded.

          "Then ask Him to heal you."


          Smiling, she answered so easily.

          "Pray with me."

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