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Shellah | Josiah

          « How are you feeling? »

          Shellah asked, her heart beating fast. When she opened her eyes she saw his whole face wet from his own tears, she realized he was the one trembling uncontrollably and not her.

          « I feel free. I think I'm healed Shellah. Call the doctors. » He replied breathing deeply and hard and realizing that there was no pain felt at his movements.

            Without hesitation she went to call his doctor, telling him his patient needed him to check on him. Walking with him to the door of Josiah's room, the doctor asked Shellah to stay out while he went to see what was happening.

  A few seconds passed.

  A few minutes passed.

            And when the doctor opened suddenly. The doctor came out, his face pale. Making Shellah worried. What was happening? She asked herself.

          «What happened? » she asked.

           «I don't know what happened. The only think I saw is that... Josiah Hawkweed is not sick anymore. He's breathing normally and the cancer we found disappeared. »

          Smiling, she thanked God inside her heart. « Can I see him? » She smiled, happiness not leaving her face. She received a simple nod and rushed inside the room. She saw him. She saw something she had never seen on him. He was happy. He was smiling. He was shining.

          « Jesus healed me Shellah! Jesus healed me! »

          They both laughed, happiness filled the room. Josiah raised his hands up and praised the God who healed him.

          « O God! O Jesus! How great is this man named Jesus? His greatness can't be explained! Thank you father. Thanks for healing me! Now I decide to give you my life. Use me, take me and make me yours! Because my life is yours, it has always been! And bless your daughter who showed me the side I didn't know about you! Amen. »

          Looking at her, he asked her to give him her hand.

          « Thank you sister Shellah. »

He whispered.

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