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          « Dear lovely father, we are coming to you today because we know that when we come to you, we always find the answers to our questions! We always find the bread to feed our souls! We always find the consolation to calm the storm in us. Thank you O God. Thank you for your goodness, your mercy and your amazing grace. Thank you for your kindness and your love. Thank you for the price you paid upon the cross. Thank you for the redemption. Thank you for your blood. Thank you for the cross! Because we know that, the day you died up there, you said yourself that IT IS FINISHED. Meaning that you took everything away. You took our sadness away, you took our tears and pain away, you took our sins away! And most importantly, YOU TOOK OUR SICKNESS AWAY! No matter the gravity of that sickness, no matter if it is cancer, no matter if it can kill us, we have the assurance that you took everything away that day. So that's why we come to you today. Because there's your child O God, there's one of your Sons who decided to put his trust in you! And in you alone! Mere mortals told him that he'll die in a few days. But  your word tells us that you are the only one who gives life and also takes it away. Which means that the whole power is in your hands. Lord if it is your will, you will heal your son. If it is your will O father, you will change his life and his situation. Dear Jesus I don't know his heart, but you know it! You know his heart and his soul entirely. Find the faith that is in him, even if it's not big, even if it's weak, Lord find it. And heal him according to your word. Because it is in the name of the almighty God that we prayed, the name of the LORD Jesus Christ that I prayed, amen. »

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