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March 6, 2010.

          Hello again, it's me. The weird stranger who keeps writing letters to you in hope that you're reading each one of them. We have two more days right?

          I remember, you told me the doctors gave you only seven days to live. This is the fifth day, which means that we have two more days till the big day.

          Today I decided to tell you about my story. You probably don't even care but I just want to show you that you're not alone in this and that I understand you because I, myself was in the same situation. Not exactly, but almost.

          Three years ago, I wasn't a believer. Three years ago I was lost. I was in darkness and my life was full of sadness. Three years ago I was poor. Because I believe that every man on earth that doesn't have Jesus is poor.

          I was so lost! Till the marvelous day, God decided to show himself to me. But do you know what's the strangest thing? Before He could lead me to His light, He let me be in darkness first, so I could understand how desperately I needed His holy presence in my life.

          I got sick. Yes me too. Very sick. I don't want to talk about it in detail but I just want to let you know that it was horrible. I went to see the doctors and put my faith into their hands in hope that they could heal me, in hope that they would find something strong that could save me from this darkness I was in.

          But nothing.

                 They didn't.

                      They couldn't.

          They were incapable of saving me.

          And that day; I didn't know what else I could do.

           But suddenly, a voice so sweet told me:


          And after that, I let a man of God pray for me in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. And that day, JESUS HEALED ME.

          My friend, my dear brother, it is not too late for you to be healed by Jesus. It is not late for you to let Jesus show you His power. You only have to send a letter back to me. Tonight or I don't know... when you want me to come and pray for you. You just need to have faith and I promise with all my heart that Jesus is capable of saving you from this situation.


So, my dear friend, will you let Him in?

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