Chapter 1

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Note: This is my first story so it might not be the best writing

I was out with my sis, Alex, after school. We went to a strip mall to get some groceries.

"Hey, Krista go to Benny's and get some sausage while I get some milk from Shakers." Alex told me.

"Ok!" I answered excitedly, because I'm pretty close to Freddy, the casher.

I skipped over to the door and went to open it when all of a sudden it flung open and hit my hand and almost my face. I look up and see a girl with blondish hair and she's about a foot taller than me. The girl scowled at me for a second before walking off.

"You could at least apologize!" I yelled after her.

The girl spun around and bowed a little, "I'm so sorry, your highness." then she walked off.

I scoffed and walked into the store and got the things without even talking to Freddy. I walked back to the car and practically threw the bag in the car and slammed the door.

Alex got in the car and looked at me, "Why were you talking to Jess?"

"That's her name. Well, she's rude!" I then scoffed again.

"Well, duh. She's the school bad kid." Alex said sarcastically.

"What do you mean 'bad kid'?" I asked, super confused.

"You don't know?! She's the one that put graffiti every where and almost stabbed someone at school." Alex explained.

"Oh! I'm happy she was just mean to me not violent. But I feel bad about what I said." I sighed.

"What did you say?" Alex asked.

"I yelled really meanly that she could at least say sorry." I explained.


"What?!" I asked surprised and confused.

"That's not even half as bad as some things I've heard before." Alex could barely get it out from laughing. "But I guess it is mean for my sweet little sister." Alex looked at me trying to be serious.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked her.

"I guess just say sorry and be done with it." Alex told me. We then went home quietly because I was thinking the whole car ride.

*Time skip*

I woke up and slumped out of bed to the bathroom to brush my hair.

I went back over the plan in my head, "Just go up to her and say sorry, that's it."

I then went down stairs and ate then walked to school.

I ran into my sister in the hallway on the way to class. "Hey, I'm leaving you here today." She explained.

"Why?" I asked her.

"You might hang out with Jess after school and I don't want to be stuck waiting for you." Alex explained.

"Ok, but we should get to class now." I said while walking away. I got to class ready to talk to Jess but then I remembered, SHE'S NOT IN MY CLASS! I hit my head on the desk thinking I'm a total idiot.

I got to third period and looked in the back and saw the same blondish hair as before, "THAT'S HER!" I yelled in my head.

I walked to the back and sat down in front of her. I turned around and saw she was scribbling down the answers to the homework from last night. She didn't notice me and I didn't feel like saying anything. Finally she looked up at me and I saw her piercing icy blue eyes and froze.

"Hello?" Jess asked, very confused.

My mind was completely blank. She was looking at me like I was crazy and started to look away when I yelled, "You have beautiful eyes!"

I felt everyone looking at me and I started to heat up. "What was that about?" I heard the teacher ask.

I turned slowly, "I'm trying a new thing. If you give someone a compliment it makes them feel better and they can do better at school." I explained, hoping he believed it. Coming from me he had to.

"Ok, just don't disrupt class." He said and started teaching. About 5 minutes after he started teaching a folded piece of paper landed on my desk. I unfolded it and it read, "Thanks." I smiled a bit and wrote down, "Welcome and can we talk after school?" I went to hand it back and I felt a hand brush against mine but a third hand joined the party and the teacher grabbed the note.

"Do I need to read this out loud?" He asked looking from me to Jess.

"No" I answered shyly.

"Ok, don't let it happen again." He told us as he threw the note away. We didn't try to pass notes for the rest of class and when the bell rang Jess left before I could talk to her.

*Time pass*

It was finally the end of the day and I was going to walk out and talk to Alex when I remembered, she left me today. I slowed my pace and kept walking. "Psst" I hear someone whisper. I look to the side and saw Jess standing there. I walked over to her and froze again when I looked at her eyes.

"What did you want to say earlier?" Jess asked me.

It took me a second to snap back into my mind, "Oh, I wanted to know if we could walk home together and talk." after I said that I realized we might not live in the same direction.

"Sure, where do you live?" Jess asked.

"Um, over on West Road." I answered.

"Cool, I live on West Drive." Jess told me in a some what cheerful voice. We started walking and got out of the building then down to the sidewalk to our houses.

"So, I'm sorry about what I said the other day." I said in almost a whisper.

"What, do you mean?" Jess asked me.

"I yelled at you that you should have said sorry." I explained.

"Oh, well ok, I was a little rude too." Jess said as we came to where our streets split up.

"Can I tell you something?" Jess asked.

"Sure." I answer, curiously.

"The thing you said the other day... It didn't really bother me." She confessed.

I hit her in the arm, "What?! It was eating me up." I yelled. Jess just laughed at me.

"Well, bye."

"Ok, bye." As we were walking away she turned and yelled.

"See you tomorrow!"

I turned back to her and waved too, "Ya, see ya!" We then turned and started walking down our roads. Once I got home I ran to my room and flopped on my bed, "I get to see Jess tomorrow!" I silently cheered in my head.

Leave some comments telling me what you think! And I'm going to update each weekend.

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